Chapter 42: Classroom fights and Hickeys.

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Mark POV

Me and Jack walked into the gate, hand in hand, receiving some glares but I didn't care.  Jack looked a little upset about it so i just glared back harder.  That seemed to make them stop.  We walked up to the oak tree and sat with all Jack's friends.  Dan and Phil seemed to look uncomfortable and Mia didn't really seem too happy to see that i was there to be honest.

"Hey Mark", Felix said happily.  "Oh Hey Fe", I told him, that was a old nickname i used for him and he seemed to smile more when i said it again.  I waved at everyone, "Hi guys", I told them. I received a "Hey", From Daniel and Cry, a wave from joey, some glances from Dan and Phil and just a slight scowl from Mia and she out her arm around Phil.

We all talked for about 10 minutes until i was interrupted by my friends calling me to do some random shit.  I didn't really care to be honest but i had to leave Jack, "Bye baby. Love you", I told him as i kissed his cheek.  "Bye Mark", He said as he gave me a soft smile, again, i got another scowl from Mia.  She seemed to like me a little less since we had that 'Dan & Phil argument'.

Time skip - 9:00am (Form)

I walked into class with my friends lingering behind me.  When i walked in I got to the back, where i sat and passed Sam.  "Those hickeys from your boy toy?", He muttered to his friends as he glanced at me, causing laughing to spread around the group. They weren't in their places yet because miss handed walked in.  She's normally not early.

I turned around swiftly and slammed my fist on the table, causing everyone to turn and stare at me and Sam, especially Sean.  "Boy.  Friend, not Boy. Toy, its Boy. Friend you fuck dumbass, and yeah, your right, they are from him", I smirked.  "Faggot", Will muttered.  

I rushed to where he was sitting and put my face a couple inches from his, just to cause more tension. I knew all the tricks in the book.  "Again, your all dumb asses, its pronounced being 'gay', do you need a lesson on it?", I asked angrily.  

"Fuck off Mark!", Sam shouted as he pushed me away from Will.  "Oh, it looks like its gonna be the hard way!", I growled as my back hit the wall.  It didn't cause any pain though, week pussy.  "Your disgusting, faggot", He growled back.  "Oh am i?", I smirked.  I beckoned Jack to walk towards me.  

When he came close enough i grabbed him and pulled him onto me.  I began kissing him, just to piss that pussy off a little more.  Besides, ill take a kiss from Jack any day.  "That's fucking gross!", Adam yelled (I'm just making up names of the jocks XD)

"Its just the fucking same as two straight people kissing you mother fucker! Only there isn't a guy grabbing the girls ass!", I shouted back as i parted from Jack.  He kissed my cheek and walked back to stand by Mia, who actually gave me a bot of a smile.

"Look, if your not scared of me, then fucking fight me bitch", I growled.  "Happily!", Sam shouted back as he stomped over to me and punched me in the face.  How late is miss? i thought to myself as i stumbled back from the impact of the punch.  I walked forward to Sam and punched him in the stomach and kneed his in it as well, he fell to the ground as soon as i kicked him in the dick.

I chuckled a little and moved onto Will. He backed away a little, but to be honest, he asked for a fight.  I walked over to him until he was against the wall.  I then repeatedly punched him on the face about 3-4 times until his nose bleed.  When i kicked him in the stomach he hit the floor.

After that, all i had to do way punch Adam twice to send him onto the floor.  "Don't fucking mess with me you cunts! I would had thought that you would had learned enough!", Is shouted.  Suddenly I saw Liam with Jack pushed against the wall.  He cried as he was punched in the face and kicked in the stomach.  I froze as he fell to the floor in pain

I could suddenly hear Sam laughing, "How do you feel now Mark?", He asked.  Dan and Phil had their mouths dropped open, Daniel had left Joey with a kiss o the cheek ad walked over to the boys. I kicked Sam repeatedly for about 10 seconds before i ran over to Jack.  

Mia and Daniel were with him, now Jack was being beaten by Liam and Tom, he was also surrounded by 4 other cunts.  Mia punched one in the face and Daniel kicked another in the stomach.  They all had a battle, trying to get to Jack.  I saw Jack suffering in pain, nose bleeding and blood dripping from his face.  Bruises covered his body as i stomped up to them

I yanked each one by their t-shirts and threw them to the wall.  They groaned in pain as i did.  Then i made it to Liam.  I began throwing punches at and and kicking him until he fell to the floor.  When he was on the floor i carried on punching and kicking.  "YOU NEVER HURT JACK AGAIN! DO YOU UNDERSTAND!?!", I yelled to every beaten up jock that lay on the floor. 

The nodded fast as i scooped jack into my arms.  "Baby? Are you okay?", I asked as i held him in my arms.  "I'm okay, as long as i'm with you.  M-My Hero", He said weakly.  I cuddled him close to me as i mashed our lips together, bringing us into a sweet passionate kiss.  

Suddenly miss burst through the room, "Sorry i'm late class, i asked someone to come up here but she must have forgot i was in a meeting an-", She paused as she looked at me cradling Jack and all the jocks that lay on the floor, "What the fuck happened!", She yelled.  She then covered her mouth.  "I-i'm sorry, i didn't mean to say that", She said as a couple of the class room snickered.  She looked at Jack.

"Please take Jack to the nurse, ill take care of all these.  But. When im done.", She said in a sweet voice, "Everyone of the jocks on the floor have some serious explaining to do and are in so much trouble!", She shouted.  The class laughed as she went from sweet to serious.

XD i kept laughing as i wrote this! Hope u guys love it

(Also is the shout out i gave to amandipandi033 in the last chapter i wrote? Plz tell me cause i cant see it but it might be wattpad being glitchy)

Stay alive and Stay happy

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