Chapter 24: Cafe conversations and new students

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Sean's POV

I walked into the bathroom and stripped off my clothes.  Walking into the shower and turning it on as the warm water bounced of my skin and soothed my body.

Time skip - After Sean's shower

I walked out of the shower only to hear the clatter of plates from downstairs.  I thought back to the night i dropped my dad's dinner on the floor, the plate smashing on the ground as rage filled him.  I began to tear up.  Luckily i held them back forcefully and walked down the stairs to be greeted by Mark's mum cooking dinner and the rest of the family sitting at the table for dinner, except for Tyler and Dan who must had left for their breakfast.

Mark was mumbling to his farther, not eating since we were heading out for breakfast.  "You ready to go?", Mark asked.  "Yeah", i told him as i slipped my grey beanie on my head.  "See you boys later", Marks dad told us.  "Bye Mark, love you", Marks mum told me.  Yeah, love you to, see you guys later, bye", Mark replied before we walked out the door.

He lead us to a coffee shop called 'tiffs' (idk, random name lol) We walked through the glass door before sitting at a table for two.  A waitress came over, glancing Mark up and down as jealousy shot at me.  "Hey Mark", she said as she winked at him.  "Oh, hey Wendy", Mark told her.  "Who's this?", she asked.  "Jack, my...", he hesitated before saying something that made my heart completely melt, "... boyfriend".  I was so happy to here those words come out of his mouth as i held his hand under the table.  

"Your... Gay?", she said in slight disgust as she glared at me.  "Yeah, i am", he told her simply.  She just rolled her eye's before saying coldly, "Whatever what do you guys want?".  "Umm, the usual coffee with Waffle's please", he told her as she wrote his words down on the paper.  "And ill have a... black coffee with.. 3 sugars and... pancakes please", I told her as she huffed off.

"Sorry about her, she's just being annoying since she's had a crush on me for years", he told me.  "I bet tons of girls have a crush on you", i told him.  "Mayyybbbeeee, but, your the only person who I've really.... loved", he told me.  My face began to heat up.  He looked around before kissing me, must have had to check if any of his 'friends' were around. 

The waitress finally came back with our meals and set them onto the table, mine was practically slammed onto the table.  I just sighed before sipping my coffee.

After we got half way through our meal, we were greeted with Dan and Phil who had just entered the cafe.  "Hey Jack", Phil said as he waved and walked over to our table with Dan.  "Oh, hey guys, what brings you to here?", i asked as they sat down on a table next to us.  "Well, we just saw you through the shop window and now were here", Dan told me as i chuckled a little.

"Hi guys", Mark said.  "Hey Mark, how are you and Jack then?", Phil asked curiously.  "Were, great", I told them before Dan quickly interrupted, " Oh yeah, did you guys here about the new students that are coming in soon?", he asked as me and Mark shook are heads.

"Apparently there gay to!", he said excitedly.  "Cool! But I don't think Sam will be too happy", I told them.  "Don't worry about that asshole I'll kick his ass if he does anything to the new kids. 

I jumped of my chair and walked over to him.  " Thanks Mark", I told him as we shared the chair, cuddling on it.  I could see and feel Wendy's narrowed eyes shooting at me.  "Although non of us know them on a personal level, I feel like they would be great and if we become friends then we will defiantly need Marks fists.

Well, that was pretty fun to write.  Even if its like the middle of August when someone reads this or its 2018 comment below who u guys think the new students are!! I'll give u a clue: they haven't done a collab with Felix, Mark or Jack ever solo that might make it a little hard. 

Shout out time:
Today's shout out goes to...
They have voted for all of meh chapters and been rlly nice and funny x3 they have also supported me to keep the book going and r actually New on wattpad!!!!!



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