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Sean's POV

I woke up early, as always because of my stupid dad.  I slammed onto my alarm clock beeping at 6:00am.  I quickly, but quietly got out of bed and threw my twenty one pilots t-shirt on, black skinny jeans, a coal black hoodie and lime green converse to match with my bright hair.  I was so hungry, considering I had no dinner last night.  I quickly made some buttered toast and ate it quickly as I walked out the house, grabbing the money my mum had left on the kitchen counter for me.

I walked down the depressing, grey, long road ahead of me.  Looking up at the dull sky as I walked.  Dreading school along the way, "New school, new bullies", I thought to myself, "If my freakin' dad didn't have his stupid job then we wouldn't have to move so much.  Ill be the first person everyone picks on, not the mention that I'm gay.  Yep... The new faggot in town. Ugh.

Before I knew it, I was standing at the school gate.  It was a daunting grey, just like the musky sky.  I walked in, slowly and avoiding everybody I saw.  As soon as I got in the playground I saw all the groups, The pretty blonde cheer leaders, the emo's and goth's, the tom boys and of course, the jocks. "Ugh every school has just gotta have some jocks", I thought to myself, 

But I did see one that captured my eye.  He had striking dyed red hair on the top of his black hair. My eyes were fixed on him completely as he ran around the court, playing basket ball. He saw me staring at him.  He stopped and looked and me, smirking, he then did a wink and carried on with the game.  I blushed furiously and put my head down, hiding my blushing.  Suddenly I crashed into a girl with blonde hair.  We both fell on the floor. As she got up I covered my face, waiting to be hit or shouted at.  She put out her hand instead and said," Haha, Don't worry dude! I'm not one of those prissy cheerleaders!".  "Th-Thanks", I told her, stuttering,"Im Sean, but I like being called jack".  She smiled politely and said, "Ok jack, I'm Mia, You new around here... Ireland right?".  "Well yeah... but no? "I said while she laughed a little "I was originally from Ireland but ive moved all different places since then".  She nodded and said, "Oh, Ok well since your new ill show you around, here give me your schedule".  I handed her my schedule.  "Cool! You have all the same classes as me except  English". 

Suddenly the bell rang, "Well better get to our form room, she said pulling my arm upstairs.  We made it to our form room in time.  The entire class was standing at the back of the room and the teacher said," Okay class, Today you are all gathered at the back to be put into your setting plan for the rest of the year", he told us as everyone sighed.  He began calling out names.  As he was on the very last row, at the back, he said, "Sam and Mia, Jack and Mark and Shelby and David.  Mia was groaning, sitting next to one of "the kings of the jocks".  Shelby looked happy as she got to sit next to her boyfriend.  I was wondering who this mark was.  Then I saw him walk over.  "Mark, such a perfect name for someone as perfect as him", I thought to myself.  We made eye contact as he sat down. 

"Hey new kid", he said.  Before I could reply the teacher, Miss. Alexander called me up.  "This is Sean, a new boy in our class everyone. Sean would you like to say anything to the class?".  I stood in front of my new form, people staring at me.  I could see Mark staring at me especially and blushed a little. "Hello, erm... My name is Sean but I prefer to be called Jack.  um... I'm originally come from Ireland and uh.  My favourite classes are I.C.T and math", I said, stuttering a little.  I sat back down in my seat and Mark started to break the ice," Wow the first nice jock ive ever seen", I thought to myself, getting lost in his pretty, chocolate brown eyes.  We talked all lesson. 

Time skip-Lunch time

I walked over to Mia at lunch, She was sitting with some boys.  "Hi Mia", I said as I waved a little with my lunch.  "Oh hey Jack, this is Felix, Dan and Phil.  Yeah its not many people but we also have Marzia to she's just not here right now.  We all waved and greeted each other.  I noticed Dan and Phil were holding hands.
are you feeling okay? 🌺

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