Chapter 56: Perfect Mornings and Gay Rights

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Sean's POV

My eyes fluttered open as i woke up.  I smiled softly, realising where i was and who i was with.  I was in my own house, with my own boyfriend, with a mum who accepts it and i'm no longer scared to be here or with him.  My mum isn't scared. She is happy.  I'm happy.  Finally.

I slid out of Marks arm, that cuddled around my chest, and crawled off the bed carefully.  I scrambled through my clothes and pulled out some fresh ones for me to wear.  I began pulling my shirt off, replacing it with a fresh one, and doing the same with my trousers.  I ran my fingers through my hair and pulled on a grey beanie.

I heard a yawn from behind me and turned around swiftly, i smiled when i saw Mark rubbing his eyes and stretching.  "Morning", I chuckled.  He smiled back, "Morning babe", He said in a raspy morning voice.  I walked over to the bed and planted a kiss on his lips as he smiled.  I walked out of the room to leave him to get changed and hopped down stairs.  

I looked around in the cupboards and found some pancake mixture inside one above the cooker.  I grabbed the mixture, along with a frying pan and began stirring the mixture with the milk that needed to be added to it.  After about 5 minutes i was done with preparing the pancakes and i poured the mixture on to the frying pan as it sizzled.  I smiled as i began making them.

By the time Mark had came down the stairs every pancake i was on my last pancake.  "Hey baby", He said as he wrapped his arms around me from behind.  "Hey Mark", I said as i grinned at his touch.  I pointed at a plate of 4 pancakes, "Those are for you", I said.  "Aw, thank you", He said as he placed a kiss on my cheek.  He picked up the plate and sat at the small, wooden round table.

My house was nothing like Mark's.  Mark's was astonishing.  It was so clean and pretty.  He had a huge dining room table, where as i had a little table, only for four people.  He had a huge clean couch and a T.V in his room.  I hope he didn't find my house bad or anything.  I shook the thoughts out of my head and smiled at my mum as she yawned when she walked into the room.  "Morning Sean, morning Mark", she said in a cheery voice.  

"Morning", Mark said with a little wave.  I placed the last pancake on a plate.  "Good morning", I told her as i handed her a plate of pancakes.  "Aw, thank you sweetie", She chirped happily before sitting down.  I only had two pancakes since i didn't really get that hungry.  I sat down with them and we talked for most of the meal.

"Do you want a lift to school?", She asked.  "Yeah sure, thanks mum", I told her.  "Its okay", She said as she placed her plate in the kitchen sink.  Me and Mark got up and put our plates with it before grabbing our school bags and walking out the door.  My mum didn't have a car of her own but she knew how to drive.  She just sadly didn't get to very much, since we only have my dads pick up truck and he could only drive that, but she seemed pretty happy to drive once again.

When we got to school me and Mark said our goodbyes to my mum and walked into the school gates.  We walked to the oak tree, with our arms around each other, everyone was there except for Dan and Phil, but there normally a little late sometimes.  "Hey guys", I said happily as me and Mark sat down with them.  "Morning jack", Mia replied with a smile as everyone else gave me little waves.

"You guys buying prom tickets?", Felix asked.  "Yep.  Are they being sold today?", I replied.  "Yeah, in the hall", Felix said.  "Oh cool, how bout you guys?", I asked.  "Yeah, lets all go together at break", Daniel suggested. "Sure", Mia said.  We talked about prom, homophobes, classes and just school until the bell alarmed us to got to lesson.

Well, that what the teachers said. Its more alarming you to, 'Get your ass to lesson you little twats otherwise you don't get to earn money, even though most of the shit your learning about probably wont be needed for your job'.  Anyway, we walked to form and got on with the boring day ahead of us.  Studding for more tests and exams for college.  How fun.

Time Skip - Break time

Finally i got out of that prison that we call, Science.  Me and Mark walked to the oak tree, our hands held together, like always.  We met our friends there and all of us walked to the hall together to get the prom tickets.  We decided to just hand Mia the money and she can just pay for all of the tickets.  

Oh great, of course, Amy and her friends were selling the tickets.  Mia hates Amy with a passion and i think Amy i the same towards Mia.  She groaned and rolled her eyes as her and Amy's eyes narrowed at each others.  "So like guys.... Can i not buy the tickets", She said, "Cause i fucking hate that whore" (Again, no offence to Amy.  I really like her but ju-just... she just not good in the story, sorry frens) "Ill pay", Daniel volunteered. "Thanks Daniel", Mia said as she gave him a side hug and handed him the money.

It was £20 in total since me, Mark, Daniel, Joey, Mia, Melanie, Felix, Cry, Dan and Phil were all going and prom tickets were £2 each.  Daniel walked up to the stall and asked for our twelve tickets.  We all stood behind him to show that we were all going with him.  "Okay, write your prom dates down on the clipboard", She said, trying to sound cute.  You could tell that she was trying to flirt with Daniel.  He was pretty good looking. (XD did anyone else see the smash or pass reaction video?? "Hold up, wait, excuse me, so you said no to me, but yes to my boyfriend?", Lol i cant stop laughing every time Joey says that) Of course, he wasn't as good looking as Mark.

"Guys? Here's the clipboard", He said after writing down his and Joey's name on the paper.  Every wrote who they were going with and Daniel handed it back.  Amy began laughing, "Ha! I knew you were a lesbian", She laughed as she pointed at Mia.  "Yeah, i am.  Who the fuck said i gave a fuck?", She asked as she glared back.  "I didn't say you gave a fuck but i am saying is that your fucking gross", She said.  "*cough* cunt *cough*, Oh i'm sorry, i think i have a bit of a cold *cough* whore *cough*", Mia replied with a chuckle.

Amy just rolled her eyes, "Anyway, yesterday me and some other cheerleaders talked it over with Mr. Hudson, who is also helping organising it and we have decided to keep all gay couples out of the prom", She told us.  "Amy.  What the fuck?!", Mark said angrily as he walked up to the table.  "Aw, sorry Markimoo... you can always take me", She said as i glared at her.  "You know i have a boyfriend, and i am taking him to prom.  Just like Mia and her girlfriend, Dan and his boyfriend, Felix and his boyfriend and Daniel and his", He said sternly.

"Mark.  Its fucking gross.  We don't allow fags into prom.  Its called fucking tradition", She said in irritation.  "I wont fucking allow you to walk in a minute", He growled.  "Try me", She said.  "Okay.  You wanna' get up and fight or do you just want me to punch you right of the chair and get this over with?", He threatened....

BUM BUMMMMMMM... Hope u liked it, once again.  Thank you guys so fucking much for the 5k read i srsly cant fucking function.  When i found out i was like.  "YOUR GONNA FUCKING UPDATE FOR YOUR BEANS CAUSE THEY DID THIS. DO IT. I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT HOW TIRED YOU ARE. DO IT".  Lol i literally forced myself to write this for u so i hope its not terrible :p aren't all the chapters terrible anyways.

Stay alive and Stay happy

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