Chapter 35: Rough Fights and Bad Pasts

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Mark's POV

I walked up to Sam and the 'followers' as they stepped back against the wall.  I cant believe they fucking did this, are they stupid? They've been fucking warned enough, whether its Sean or any of his fucking friends.  I thought to myself angrily.  Suddenly Adam was so scared he began to run out away from the 'gang' who were cornered against the wall.

Swiftly i pulled him by the back of his shirt and pushed him to the ground, "Did i tell you to move?", I growled angrily.  He shook his head in fear as i picked him up and stood him against the wall with the others, everyone in a circle staring at us.

Break was nearly over so i had to get this done in the next ten minutes.  I walked up to Sam, my face only a inch from his.  "I thought i told you not to mess with me!", I spat at him.  "Mark", He smirked, "Im not messing with you, or Jack.  Im just fucking with the newbs, just like what we always did together hey, pal", I shot a glare at him as his courage came back to him.  

He was now leaning against the wall, smirking.  I had to get the smirk of his face and his courage lowered.  I pulled him by the front of his shirt and threw him to the ground.  "Im not like that anymore! And you fucking know it!", I shouted as i punched his face.  

"Now that you have a boy toy", Will mumbled as other around us chuckled. "What did you just say?!", I shouted angrily.  "No-nothing", He stumbled.  I kicked Sam in the stomach before stomping closer to Will.  "That wasnt fucking nothing you fucking asshole!", I shouted as i punched him hard in the stomach.

He groaned in pain before i my hand met with his face, slapping him hard.  Before i could do anything else the bell rang.  Everyone stayed in a circle around us as Sam stumbled up and i walked over to Joey and Daniel, helping them up.

"Thank you so much Mark", Daniel said as we shared a hug.  "Your welcome,anytime", I told them as i walked over to Jack.  I connected our lips as we shared a sweet long kiss.  Most people cringed and glared at us.  I glared back harder as me and Jack parted.  

He grabbed my chin with his fingers, pulling lightly, causing me to turn my head back to him.  He crashed our lips together as we shared another kiss.  Fuck im in love, i thought to myself as i wrapped my arm around Jack happily, walking to I.C.T

We walked into the classroom.  Luckily this was one of those lessons like music where we had all of Jacks friends except Mia.  I was warming up to them quite a bit.  Although we were really nice to each other at the moment we really didnt have an amazing history.  

Mia and I were best friends a couple years back, with Felix as well.  We did everything together.  I left her when i was sick of getting made fun of.  I changed my hair and joined the football team.  I made friends will all the jocks and forgot about Mia.  I also used to beat up Dan and Phil with my friends, a lot.

They dont seem very... comfortable around me and Mia still doesnt like me that much but we get along okay.  Felix and me have always been alright.  The jocks thought he was pretty cool but he always stayed with Mia and when he came out as gay.. Well now the jocks hate him too.

We all began to sit wherever, considering Mr. Howard didnt have a seating plan for us.  He was a pretty cool teacher to be honest.  I sat next to Sean, Dan and Phil one the right of out table, Joey and Daniel in-front of us and Felix and Cry on our left.

"Im sorry i wasnt there to protect you Joey, and Mark needed to help", He said as he smiled at me.  "No-not there for me Daniel? Ar-are you ki-kidding? Remem-remember all those jo-jocks at our old school.  You always be-beat them up for me", He told Daniel, so quiet that it was like a whisper, as he hugged closely to him.  Daniel kissed the top of his head as they looked back to the front of the class.

"Okay class, get on the computers and finish off the programming you were doing with your game that you did last lesson", Sir called as we rushed to the computers.  Sir walked over to Joey and Daniel to show them what they were doing, since they were new.

Me and Jack talked for the rest of the lesson with Felix, Cry, Dan and Phil all pissed about.  Although Dan and Phil were pretty quiet when i began talking to them.  Maybe i could try to be friends will them a little bit more.  If i hug around Sean more at lunch.  Although... I was the one to beat them the most.

Yay! Finished for u guys!! And i rlly hope u enjoy.  I wanna thank meh fren from my school who is supporting me a little.  He told meh that the book was rlly good and he rlly wants me to continue it... I got him addicted to wattpad... And killed the little innocence he had left XD I showed him the worst smut i could fund with way too much daddy kink XD

Speaking of smut.  Nope, there wont be any in this book BUT when i make meh sequel there will be some in there 4 any smut lovers bai guys!!!

Stay Alive and Stay Happy

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