Chapter 19: Scars and Understanding

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Thx so much for 500 reads!! I remember every time i checked this book that depression would take over me when i saw ppl were making fun of it and it had around 27 every time i checked.  U guys have rlly helped me out! Especially anyone i have shouted out in this book so thank u x3 c:

As i stroked my hand from his wrist to his arm i felt scabs all the way down his sore, cut arms.  I looked at them in the corner of my eye while i was kissing him.  To see what they were.  I dont think he noticed that i saw them until i backed off him and pulled his arm towards me.  

He looked terrified when he saw his sleeve was rolled up a little.  My mouth dropped open at all the cuts on his wrist.  I held onto his arm as he tried to pull away. "Ja-Jack, what... what... why?", I told him.  "Its umm, get off! Its nothing", he told me almost in tears from my discovery, struggling to pull away from me.  I held his arm tightly as i rolled his sleeve up, slowly and carefully.  He pushed the sleeve back down with his other hand.  I grabbed his other hand as well as i noticed the cuts along his wrists.

He shifted uncomfortably,"Get off Mark!", he sobbed.  I let go off one arm but kept a firm grip to his right arm as i pulled his shirt up.  He looked petrified as i pulled it up.  Still trying to yank away, only this time, more and more.  

My mouth dropped as i saw a old scar.  Cut so deep that it looked permanent.  It spelt the word "Faggot",  i let him go but before he could run off i pulled him into a tight hug.  "Yo-you hate me now dont you", he said in tears.  "No! I could never hate you, tell me what the fuck is going on and why the fuck this is happening.  I will never leave you.  Ill help you out of this, but you need to tell me whats wrong", I told him, sternly.   We sat for longer than an hour as he talked about all these terrible things in his life.

By the end of it, my mouth was wide as tears slipped down my face.  "So, that's why your here?", I asked as he nodded back. "Ill keep you safe from that ass hole, if its the last fucking thing i do", i told him before connecting out lips into a sweet, passionate kiss.  We parted breathless as we sunk onto the bed.  He cuddled into my chest as my arms rapped around him.  It was pretty early but we fell asleep.  It was harder for me to go to sleep as i thought about how the fuck i was gonna' manage to come out to my dad.  He went ballistic when Dan told him that he was gay a year ago.

Luckily Jacks adorable snoring got me to sleep as my grip tightened around him.

Sorry guys! This chapter has been srsly short but i felt like this was a good note to leave it on.  Ill be updating tomorrow so dont worry!  i had a certain someone (*cough* XDrandomfandomXD *cough*) telling me that they were desperate 4 a update XD everyone that i shouted out has been so nice, supporting me, so why not update a short chapter! ily all! baiii

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