Chapter 38: Bad News and Miserable Pasts

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Hello beans.  My neck is still so painful but I got some medication and I felt bad for not writing.  I'm writing in my phone rn cause my
neck is in too much pain to sit up😛

Seans POV

Mark hurried back up to the door and walked out as I heard slight mumbling between the two.  I don't really know why I ran off.

There wasn't much reason since there not a bad person.  I guess I was just shocked.

He walked into the house, welcoming my mum inside to sit on the couch next to me.  "Sean? Are you okay", Mark asked softly as he put his arm around me.

"Ye-yeah, just in a little shock, sorry", I told him quietly.  "Mum? How did you find me and why?", I asked confused.

"Sean.  I missed you so much.  His are you?", she asked as she looked me up and down.  "I-im fine, thanks, you?", I replied.

"I'm... Okay.  Just your um dad.  So who is this?", she asked as she smiled at Mark.  "This is Mark my...", I swallowed before replying," boyfriend ", I told her.

"Oh well, nice to meet you Mark.  You look very handsome and... Good for jack", she smiled.  "Thank you.  Its nice to meet you too", he told her as he shook her hand.

"So.  Why did you come mum? How?", I asked.  "I've been knocking doors and doors trying to get to you. Its... Your dad", she told me as I moved closer to mark, scared of what she was about to say.

"He's looking for you everywhere Jack, he's at work right know but he has been smashing on door's looking for you.  He will kill you when he finds you. He wants to force us all back to Ireland and keep us there with him", she said worriedly.

My jaw dropped as I thought back to him beating me.  What if I never saw mark again? My friends? What if I went back to my old life? Abused and hurt? I'll commit suicide within two days I'm in Ireland again.  Too much.  Too many bullies at my old school.  Too much abuse and not enough friends.

Too many thoughts rushed through my head rapidly.  I can't take it.

"I'll make sure he doesn't hurt you baby", Mark told me as he kissed my head, reassuring me. 

"Bu-but Mark, what if he does find me, i-i could never see you a-again.  Or my f-friends.  I would have to suffer in Ireland with no one, and my mum", I told him as I began to cry.

"Baby, don't worry.  He can't legally search my house and I'll tell him your not here.  If he walks in I'll kick his fucking ass and call the police", he told me as my mum smiled at him.

Hr flashed a smile back and gave me a peck on the lips.  "You look perfect for my Sean.  Thank you for helping him", she told him as he smiled softly.

"How could I not? Look at him.  He shouldn't be alone", he told her as I hugged him closer, my head resting on his chest.

"Well, I have to leave.  Your farther will be home soon and I bet your parents will be too Mark, love you Sean", she said as she got up and walked to the door.

"Love you too mum", I said sadly before she walked out and closed the door.

Sorry its crappy but I needed to take u off the cliffhanger lol.  Thank u guys for ur support! 😊😁😜😝😋😗😏🙆🙌 🙋😸😹

Stay alive and Stay happy

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