Chapter 12: New love but True love

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Sean's POV

Marzia went from sad to angry, straight away, "FINE! GO AND KISS HER UP THE CORNER AND BREAK UP WITH HER A YEAR LATER BECAUSE YOU FOUND SOMEONE PRETTIER!", she told him, completely raged.

I stood there with Mark, our mouths wide open from what just came out of Marzia's mouth.  Mia had her arms folded, she was the only one with a smirk on her face, proud that Marzia shouted at him like that.

Suddenly Felix said, "Her?", our mouths dropped open, including Mia's and Marzia's. 

We were all so shocked at him.  " So-sorry Marzia, I really am", he said before dragging a masked, brown haired boy over to us.  Dan and Phil's smiled widely, along with Mia's shortly after.

He kissed him on the head and said, "Marzia.. You were so perfect but... I'm in l-love with cry", he said

I looked at Felix and this "Cry" and smiled at them.  She did a small smile at him and hugged him, "Well, I'm sorry.  I will always love you Felix, but.. Congrats on cry", she told him, before kissing his cheek.  I nearly cried as she slowly walked away.

Felix smiled.  " I knew she would understand", he told us.  Suddenly Dan and Phil started "fan girling" over the fact that they were going out and we all began talking about how happy we were for them.

Time skip - Lunch time

I waited outside of science for Mia as students rushed out of the classroom.  We began walking to our locker and were shocked but happy when we saw Felix and Cry kissing, Crys mask was off, but he held it over the side of their faces as the other side of his face was covered by the corner of the lockers they were kissing in.

I saw Mark walking up yo me happily.  He then saw Felix and Cry.  "Whoa!", he said shocked, " Well... Congrats Felix!".  Felix looked up from the mask and slightly blushed, "Thanks", he told Mark

We watched as Sam and a little group sniggered at Sam's phone.  Mark was getting suspicious,"What the fuck are you bitches laughing at?", he asked them angrily as he stomped up to them. 

They all steppes back, except Sam.  He just smugly sniggered with a smirk across his face as he showed Mark the phone. 

Marks POV

I looked at the phone, only to see a photo of Cry and Felix kissing.

" Fuck you! They don't even give a fuck if you were to spread that everywhere!", I exclaimed to Sam.

He just chuckled and said,"okay".  I growled at him, "You spread that photo of Dan and Phil kissing as well and they don't give a flying fuck.  There even fucking happier that everyone knows that they love each other!", I shouted.  I then hesitated.  I really fucking wanted to say it.  Why can't I just say it?! No! I need Jack's approval.  He just laughed, "okay", he smiled before posting the picture onto Facebook.  I watched him tap away onto Instagram as well.  We all got reminders from it.  The text said: HAHA look at these  dirty, fucking faggot's snogging by the lockers.  Know as Felix and Cry, if u didn't know behind that gay ass mask.

I scowled at the text but Felix and Cry seemed fine.  Felix smiled at cry and kissed his forehead.  Suddenly they went onto the locker corner again and cry held his mask over the side if his face and sharing a passionate kiss with each other.

Almost everyone gave them dirty looks, but I glared back harder.  Scaring them a little.  Dan and Phil lived how much cry and Felix were ok kissing in the halls and being so open. They shared a sweet kiss and of course Sam and his group laughed as people made dirty looks and the word "faggot" was whispered a few times around the halls.  Dan and Phil and Felix and Cry held hands as we made our way to the canteen.

I couldn't help but scowl at Mia when I saw her arm around Jack.  I was so jealous even though I knew he was gay and they we just very close, j just wish me and Jack could be so close in the school, or... Closer

(Nope! I will not erase this to put it in bold!!!! I forgot near the end of it and my phone wont let meh highlight the words and put them in bold soooo... Yeah baiiii)

WELL JESUS FOOKING CHRIST. I'm gone for like a month and then I come back doing 4 updates!?!? I just enjoy writing sooooo much more, especially with meh smol bean fren! She has helped me out a lot and also ANOTHER SHOUTOUT to (drum role)
kaitlynncakes they have been supporting the book as well so THANK YOU. And just thx 2 everyone I've ever mentioned in this book!!!! I will try to mention anyone who just puts votes on most of meh chapters or even says a positive comment!!!!! So keep up the kindness guysss thank u!!!!!

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