Chapter 10: idek.... its just funny X3

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Hiiiiii, sorry ive been gone 4 so long and i hope it didnt bother anyone :D its not a very good book but i still hope u like it and it gets meh somewhere soon :) anyways imma shut the fook up baiiii

Marks POV

I sat against the door and held Dan's phone in my hand. I want gonna' actually do anything, i just wanted to trick him. Ive also met Tyler alot and id hate to wreck their relationship.

I suddenly got a great idea and texted Tyler

You: Hey.. im pranking Dan ok? XD pretent to be made when i send u a FAKE break up text k? Btw this is Mark :p

Tyler <3: XD kk lol xp

I deleted the messages and began sending a break up message

You: Sorry but im not interested in u and ive found someone else :p but it was good while it lasted

Tyler <3: Ha, ah ok FUCK U!! I cant fucking believe u! No sympathy at all u twat! U know hwat whatevs i never liked u that much anyways, plus ive got someone else in mind!

You: XD nice one Tyler, imma give him his phone back and he will probs be saying sorry or somethin like that lol.

Tyler: XD i wanna c his reation to this xp

I deleted the last two texts as well and unlocked the door. He suddenly burst into the room, "If you dared to do anything with my boyfriend im gonna' fucking kill you!", he shouted before snatching the phone out of my hands. His mouth dropped when he saw the texts and i laughed under my breath, "I fucking hate you Mark!", he shouted before typing rappidly on the phone.

You: Bby im so fucking sorry, it was my stupid ass fucking brother being a bitch, i swear i love u!! <3 xx

Tyler <3: Yeah.. right. Ur other idiot boy probably just turned u down.


Tyler <3: .... Yeah.. Right.. Who is this again??

You: Dont be like that bby!

Message read

I began to feel sympathy as i watched him ball up and cry into his shirt, "I hate you", He mumbled, scowling under his shirt. "Dan! It was only a joke! I swear! I told him i was pranking you and it was all a joke, i deleted the messages so then i could get you! Just text him back and tell him what i told you ok?", I told him before he picked his phone up and began texting again as he said, "Your a right bitch! I still cant believe you!"

You: Hey bby, Mark told me everything. BUT I CANT BELIEVE U WERE IN ON THIS

Tyler <3: Ha lol what can i say. Did i upset u thou bby? I didnt think u rlly loved me that much babe!

You: Of course i do! Bby i fucking crying 4 u :3

Tyler <3: Aww, bby. Im coming over kk? <3 u

You: ily2

I watched as my brother face lit up before he quickly fixed his hair and put on some clothes. "Go well then?", I asked him smirking. "Yeah! I would be so mad at you if he wasnt on his way right now!". I walked out of his room, chuckling to myself. I saw Jack walking up the stairs laughing. He stoppted when he saw me and started starring at my chest. I began laughing as before saying, " Ohhh someone likes what they see", and i flexed for him. He was snapped out of his trance as he jumped and chuckled, "Maybe....", I laughed before pulling him up the stairs. I pulled him close to me and looked into his gorgeous ocean blue eyes before kissing him softly.

Dan walked out of his room suddenly. I still didnt stop for him. "Whoa, im mind blow at how adorable you to are, Im so happy im not the only gay one in the family", I turned around to him, releasing Jack, Only to wrap my arm around him. We both chuckled and looking at each other, blushing. "Wait!", Dan said, "Have you told mum yet?", he asked curiously. "No. Mum and dad are out of town, I tell them...", i hesitated before i said, "...Mum! When they get back".

Jack looked at me confused before Dan said, "Dont worry, our dad is just a homphobic bastard!". We began laughing at Dans comment before i said, "Well.. your right there, Anyways, im gonna' go get changed".

Dan started teasing saying, "Ohhhhh, maybe you would wanna' take Jack with you, im sure he would love it", he winked after talking cheekily. "Shut the fuck up!", i told him before pushing him into the door. Jack just chuckled before i walked into my room to get changed.

Jacks POV

I walked down the stairs and inspected the, clean, house a little. Suddenly someone knocked on the door and i was terrified, FUCK, Its got to be dad! i thought to myself.

Well, hope u enjoyed guysssssss XD the next update will be up rlly shortly since ive just started having alot of fun writing this but.. its not just me. I would also like to mention YaGirlSamara XD we started randomly talking in comments then we started messging over wattpad! She rlly has helped me out by making me happy that ive got someone to talk 2 a lot more than my irl freinds. She liked most of my pages on this story and since shes in USA and im in the UK when i get anxiety attacks at night she is always there, cause sometimes i wake up at like 4 or 5am and her time zone is different so yeah, shes there to talk to and we talk a lot very late at night so she rlly helps make me happy when my axiety gets me the most. THANK U FREN. (btw if i start talking in different chapters about how meh "smol bean fren" has helped, thats her cause, yeah idk we call each other smol bean frens x3)

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