Chapter 16: Twisted minds and big fights

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Sean's POV

As we walked into Marks house I was stunned from our gorgeous first date.  It was amazing.  I knew that I simply needed him to be my boyfriend.

We walked in through the door, hand in hand as we strolled through.  We saw Tyler rush from upstairs.  "Hey how was your date!?" He exclaimed. But was still a little quiet.  "... Amazing", I told him as I gazed at Mark.   He blushed a little before kissing my head.

"Awww, thats cute!", he told us happily as we smiled at him, "Soooo..... Mark?", he asked.  "....Yeah?", Marks asked curiously.  "Can i sleep over tonight? Pleaseee, Dan already fell asleep", he told us as he put on big puppy dog eyes.  "Tyler", he laughed.  "Im not your mum, of course you can!", he told him as Tyler sighed happily. "Yay!", he said before running up the stairs.

Me and Mark laughed as he put his arm around me and we walked into the living room.  "What ya wanna' do then Jack?", he asked.  "Ummm... i don't know... Markymoo", i told him as he blushed a little at his nickname.

I yawned quietly before he asked, "Tired?".  I nodded as he checked the time.  "Its ten, might as well go to bed", he told me as i began walking out the door,

I was suddenly pulled back by the back of my shirt as i fell into his arms.  He kissed me passionately.  He picked me up before he walked up the stairs. I hung onto him, a little scared of the height as i snuggled into his shoulder.  He lay me into the bed as he grabbed me some pyjamas.  He gave them to me and sat them on the bed next to me.  Instead of me going into the bathroom he did, so i didn't have to leave the soft bed.  

I was happy when a shirtless Mark strolled into the room with pyjama pants on.  I blushed as i starred at his beautiful body.  He walked over to the bed and slid inside.  Opening his arms as we lay, welcoming me into them.  I blushed a little before snuggling into his bare chest.  His warmth comforting me as he held me in his arms.

Marks POV

I woke up earlier than Jack, as usual.  I didn't completely get up and noticed a little Dan peeking through my door.  Smiling at me and Jack, he probably didn't realise my open eyes, half covered by the pillow that my head sank into.  I lifted myself off the bed, he ducked down low, sitting on the floor outside my door as it was just opened slightly.

I kissed Jacks cheek as he slept, just to make Dan smile more before i walked out my door.  Dan didn't run off, he just stood up and closed the door, not making a sound.  I walked out, looking at Dan standing below me.  "Hi", he said happily.  "Hey Dan, may i ask whats got you so happy?", i asked him, smiling at him.

"Well... firstly Mums coming home today! Secondly, Tyler slept with me last night! Thanks for letting him stay over.  Thirdly, its the weekend tomorrow! And..... Lastly! You and Jack are freaking adorable together!", he told me, almost breathless by the end of it.

I chuckled at him, "Thanks", i told him before heading downstairs for breakfast.  We just ate boring old cereal, sitting at the table together.  "Well.. I better go and get changed and see if Tyler can get off his ass", he told me, chuckling.  "Dan.  Seriously, you gotta' cut it out with all this swearing shit!", i told him sternly.  "Ok! Mom!", he told me as we both laughed.  

He walked up the stairs as i finished my cereal.  I walked up the stairs and into the bathroom, ready to take a shower.

Sean's POV

I was woken up , sadly, without Mark lying next to me.  I walked out of the room and heard the shower, I was pretty sure Mark was in there.  So i decided to go and see if i could find any breakfast.  Luckily i found some cereal and poured it onto a plain white bowl, along with some milk.

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