She stares at him, sinking under his harsh stare that's slowly drawing sense back into her and then sighs.

"You're right. I'm sorry." She mutters, dropping eye contact from him. He relaxes his force and reaches out to her, drawing her chin up. Her blue eyes are light with worry but they're slowly darkening with anger. He kisses her, enjoying the taste of her lips. "If it helps any, Ralph will torture any enemies extra long in your place."

He growls. "Don't talk about Ralph taking my prey when I'm kissing you."

She laughs, enjoying his rough kiss once again. Her hands wrap around his neck, drawing him closer and he follows her will, resting his hands on her hips, squeezing her.

"Hey now, we're in the middle of a maybe-battle. No making out. Sullivan will kill you anyways for doing that on her desk."

They break apart to look up at Simon, leaning against the wall. He has this irritating smirk on his face that makes Nathan want to beat him until he can't remember his own name. Unfortunately, that would cause harm to Audrey who's currently running her hands up his chest and distracting him.

"Back so soon?" Nathan growls out.

Simon chuckles. "Lucky for you there isn't a soul out there. I think it was just a test to see if the rumors are true. You're free to leave from your cage."

Nathan pulls Audrey to her feet, keeping her close.

"Have the alphas return to their packs if Karmen is done with them."

Simon stops him before he can continue. "I believe she is. She's a fast worker."

"And then have Sullivan know that the border between her and my lands will be free roaming for the meantime. Tell her to make her wolves guard her other territories carefully. I want reports from all alphas daily and I want to know all rumors on our enemies."

"You work fast, Kappa." Simon smirks. "I'll have it all set up by the end of the day."

"Good. Audrey and I are going home. Millis, have Lance or Frankie stay with Sullivan and set up a back up security plan for Audrey in case of emergencies."

"What about you?" Audrey frowns, tugging on his hand.

"If it comes to that, love, I'll be the one fighting." He kisses her head and turns back to Simon. "Where's Luke? I want him and his pack to be at my house by the time I'm there."

"Your majesty," Simon bows and then turns, placing a kiss on Millis's temple.

"You and Audrey know the rules." He tells her before he disappears instantly. Millis growls lowly, rolling her eyes.

"Him and his stupid rules." She grumbles. "Are you taking the car? Or going by wolf?"

"Car." Nathan pulls Audrey out of Sullivan's office and down the halls. Millis keeps up with his pace, walking backwards to face him. "I want you to make sure the pack gets back okay. Leon's in charge of Karmen's safety in the meantime. She has valuable information now and should be looked after at all times."

"Yes, my Kappa." She smirks back at him and then stops, looking at something over their shoulder. "Frankie!"

Nathan ignores her, pulling Audrey out of the house and towards Leon's car. She keeps up with him easily, running her hand over his arm while he pulls out keys from his pocket.

"Are you seriously going to let in Luke's pack all in one day?" She asks, her sweet voice laced with concern. He chuckles at her.

"Audrey, it's not going to wear me out." He assures her. "Since becoming Kappa, I haven't been able to use any of my newfound energy except for that round this morning. If we had gone a few more, I might've changed my mind on this."

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