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Audrey walks next to Nathan through the empty Sullivan house. She can't hear a single sound except for the noise from the party being held outside. There weren't any doors shutting and closing or little feet running around. There weren't any dishes clanging or light chatter. It's completely empty.

"Melissa ordered everyone to stay outside and watch the borders." Ralph explains ahead of her. "Now we can have that meeting you've been putting off for a while."

Audrey finds herself rolling her eyes. "I was training with Blaze and Jasper, Ralph."

Her brother scoffs. "Training."

Nathan's hand brushes her waist and she looks up at him. He's staring back at her with a frown. She forgot to explain who Blaze and Jasper were. She mouths later to him, focusing her attention on Ralph. He leads them down the hall and towards the dining room through double doors.

"Damn it! Audrey!" Gavin whines instantly and she blinks.

"What? What did I do?"

She watches as Gavin pulls out some bills from his wallet and passes them to Luke and then to Ralph. Both of them take the money with smirks and a nod towards each other, slipping the bills into their pockets. Audrey gapes.

"You made a bet on me?"

Luke blinks and shrugs. "Technically, it was on Nathan and I won. Congratulations, Nate. You lost a Camaro and won me twenty bucks."

Nathan growls lowly next to Audrey but he holds back anything he might want to say. Audrey glares at the others and both hold their hands up.

"He started it." Gavin points to her brother who glares back and then sighs. Ralph knows Audrey won't let it go easily.

"Sorry. It was just a little boring for me. Had to make it interesting." He explains. Audrey sighs and then looks around the room. Sitting around the long dining table is Gavin, Luke, Roman, Melissa, and Simon. Ralph falls into a seat next to Roman and Nathan leads Audrey to a seat next to Melissa. She falls into the hard chair and crosses her legs, instantly feeling anxious. Nathan senses it and rests his hand on her knee before she can even start bouncing her leg. Warmth erupts from his touch and helps her relax. His thumb starts to rub the side of her knee as she smiles lightly at him.

Wondering what he would be like at comforting her seems like a long ago memory. She wouldn't have dreamed he would even be doing this let alone attempting to comfort her. She thought it might have felt nice but this was heaven. His touch made her feel alive and safe all at once, like she was invincible and that made her feel high and concentrated solely on that feeling his touch provides. If she could, she wanted to laugh. But that would look out of place. Instead, she leans on the arm rest of her chair, closer to him, appreciating his support.

"So this is actually happening." Melissa smiles from next to her, holding back a giggle. Audrey can see her mind working with excitement and she knows the alpha female is eagerly waiting for the day she can relax.

"Who are we waiting for?" Audrey asks.

"The remaining betas." Luke explains. "Leon went to go meet Benjamin to bring him here. They should be present as well for this."

"What about Blaze and Jasper?" She asks, ignoring the tightening grasp of Nathan's hand.

"They had a few...rogue problems." Luke smirks. "They'll be here tomorrow. In the meantime, we can settle everything."

"What else is there to settle?" Simon asks. "Audrey comes out as Iota, we defeat her enemies and everyone lives peacefully."

Luke scoffs. "You aren't that stupid, are you?"

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