Fast and Furious

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"I'll stand watch." I said. "Get everything you can."

"Shouldn't take longer than two minutes." Hoseok said with confidence as he got onto the computer.

My eyes scanned the room briefly, looking for cameras or anything. I'm sure they're in here somewhere, but trying to find it and then turn it off would just cause more of a commotion then waiting for someone to see us in here.

I stood by the door, watching out the small window. There was no sound coming from the hallway all the way down, we should be just fine.

"Whoa." Hoseok suddenly jerked back from the computer.

"What?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

He only shook his head, slowly looking up at me. "You're going to want to see this."

I took one step towards him when the door behind me burst open. I spun to see Ji-Woo standing with two other men behind him, a smug smile on his face.

"Seriously?" I let out an irritated sigh. "Of course you're here right now."

"When they said someone broke into the top floor, I had my suspicions," He said, moving a step so he was inside the room. "But I was expecting one of the boys. This is a very pleasant surprise."

"Well it's a very unfortunate circumstance for me." I muttered, silently counting in my head.

Ji-Woo glanced over my shoulder at Hoseok. "Whatever it is that you are doing, I would hand it over now, before we have to take it forcefully."

I bit down on my lip, trying to hold back a laugh. "You? Take it forcefully? I mean, you can try if you want, no promises that you won't will leave with more brain damage then you already have."

Ji-Woo narrowed his eyes in confusion. "What?"

I waved it off. "I was just trying to fill space, wasn't my best insult i'll give you that." I glanced back at Hoseok. "Ready?"

"Wh-" Ji-Woo started, but was interrupted by me kicking him right in the gut once Hoseok nodded with a smile, pulling out the flash drive that was in the computer.

I got the other two men that were with him on the ground in a matter of seconds, stepping over them and out into the hall.

"Let's just take the elevator." I said as we ran. "If we act normal-"

A sudden piercing sound echoed through the hallways, halting us to a stop. Red started flashing in the hallway. The security alarm.

"Shit." I muttered. "The elevator will automatically stop once the alarm is set off.

"Kat what happened?" Alya's voice urgently came through.

"Little bump in the road." I breathed, turning in a circle trying to think. My eye caught something at the end of the hall, causing me to smile. "How do you feel about jumping out a window?" I turned to Hoseok.

"Uhh..." His eyes widened. "I would strongly advise against that, we are over 20 stories up."

Ji-Woo and his men were starting to stumble into the hallway. "We might not have any other option." I grabbed at his hand and ran forward. He kept up the pace, even though I could tell he was very hesitant.

Ji-Woo and the other two were hot on our heels as the window got closer. At the last second, I pulled out my gun and shot twice at the window, making a big enough crack for it to break.

"Hold on." I yelled over the nose of the alarm, turning to my side so my shoulder would take most of the impact of the window.

Wind hit us instantly as we started falling. Hoseok let out a quiet girlish scream as he wrapped himself around me, holding on with more strength then I though he had.

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