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"Why did you leave? I need you right now but you aren't here"

Two days..

L "They have come"

Me "send them in"

She nods and goes outside. Minutes later the police walk in.

"Hello Mrs.Trevor.I'm officer James. how are you feeling?" One of the two police men ask


"Okay we are here to inquire you. Can you tell us everything that happened?"

"Yeah sure"

I explain word for word everything that happened in my life.

"So your saying all this is done for revenge?" He asks


"Ok Mr.Trevor. Now we've announced that your alive and many people are out waiting for you. The day after tomorrow is the verdict. Will u be able to come?"

"I don't think"

"Its okay. Just for information Alice is already imprisoned. You have nothing to fear about. We will redeem and give all your property soon"

"Thanks officer" I say happily

The both leave the room. Lottie comes back in pushing a bed along with Charlie.

L "I'm moving you"

Me "Where?"

L "This is the ICU.Since your better now I'm moving you to a ward"

Me "can you move Marcel and me in the same ward"

L "Sure"

C "Tell us if it hurts"

I nod.

She disconnects the IVs from me. Then Charlie carefully carries me.At once I feel pain in my back

"Ahhhh" I scream

C "I'm sorry. Plz bare"

She helps him and together they move me to the bed she brought in. Then he pushes the bed and goes outside.I notice Mum is the only one outside.She kisses my head and then Charlie continues to push me. Finally I'm moved into another ward.She quickly connects the IV to me for the drips.

L "we'll go bring him and come"

I nod.

I wait for awhile and soon Marcel is moved inside. They place his bed beside mine. He gives me a broad smile as soon as he sees me. Lottie connects the drip for him too.

Me "The boys left?"

C "yeah they did last night"

The boys had a concert so they had to leave.

I nod

L "Ok me and Charlie are going home to change. Mum is outside only. Both of you take some rest"

Me "okay"

They two leave the room.

After two days I'm seeing Marcel again.

M "I missed you"

Me "Me too"

M "How are you feeling?"

Me "My ribs hurt.You?"

M "Other than my stomach paining I'm fine"

Harry's POV:

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