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'I thought you where lost forever and it hurts but then I found you and I thought I might lose you and it killed me'


Harry's POV:

Li"Harry help me carry this log"

H"ah ! Yeah"

I run to him to help.

The boys and I are camping out in the woods . I've moved on in life and got married to Kylie.One day my mum put up a act as though she was about to kill herself and made me agree to get married.I don't have any in tensions towards Kylie except friendship .I'm trying my very best to forget about my girl but I just can't. She is my forever and always. Though I'm heartbroken and angry at first to her betrayal to me , the very instinct I knew she is died all the grudge went away .

I look around and inhale the smell that woods present and admire the greenery of the woods.Suddenly I spot sth strange , I see a panther walking towards our direction with sth on its back .I rub my eyes thinking its my imagination but I see the same view .

Z"Mate is it just me or I can see a panther with sth on its back come towards us"

Zayn conforms I'm not dreaming.Curiosity takes over me and walk towards the animal.

Z"Harry that might kill you"

I ignore him.The panther stops and moves its body so that the thing on is body falls on the ground.I look at it and realize its a girl . "Guys come here at once" I hell. I kneel down by the girl not fearing the animal by me .She is on her back but I can't see her face cause her hair is all over her face.The sight of the girl is pathetic . She has bruises all over her hand and legs .She looks like she is starved for days .By now the boys are standing around me .I carefully push her blonde hair from her face to look at her face.we gasp at once . This girl looks exactly like Infinity .How can this be ? isn't she dead?

Me"this can't be"

Louis kneels by her and looks at me confused .He takes her hand Hand and I see the ring on her figures .Yes the one I gave her.This conformed it .

N"Omg Infinity"

Right now they are million questions running in my head. Louis holds her wrist to cheek her pulse

L"Harry we need to go the Hospital now .She still has life"

At once I lift her life less body .The animal runs away after it knew she is safe.We rush and get into the van we came .Zayn starts to drive through the forest onto the roads.Right now tears a rolling down my cheeks

Me"Lou will I get her back"

L"yes you will"

N"I think we should take her to a secret place and call for the doctor bcuz a hospital will make the media wild "

Me"yes .Zayn go to my house"

Z"yes mate"

N"but Harry--"

Me"I'll Handel it "

L"will Kylie accept to see you with her again."

Me"Kylie is busy modeling in Paris so I doubt she'll be back in two months .But I care a shit about Kylie Infinity is more important"

L"OK I'll call Lottie and tell her to arrange everything at your place"


After Louis speaks with Lottie

L"Harry Lottie told to bring her to her house. My sister has a private clinic at her house .So it will be easier for her to check her"

H"OK .Zayn to Lottie's "


I walk into Lottie's room where her private clinic is and lay Infinity on the bed so that Lottie could examine her .

M"Harry can u go out please"

I groan and go out of my room.I wrap my arms around Louis and cry on his shoulder.

Minutes later Lottie comes out .

Lot:"Harry I think u should call her husband "

Me:"No Lotto I don't think so .I don't want anyone to know yet .Let her first wake up"

Lot:"OK .I can't come to a mind what happened and stuff So we have to wait for her to wake up "

Me"OK "

N"So Your going to keep a secret"


N"even from your mum?"

Me"yes.Let her wake up first then we'll see what to do"


Me"Can I go see her"

Lot"yes "

I walk into the room to see many wires connected to her body.She has scars all over herself and bandages . I kneel down by the bed and take her hand in mine.I look at the machine beside me to see her heartbeat level slow. I kiss her cheeks and start crying in her hand .

Me"I'm so sorry baby *sniff* if I only had to be with you this would have never happened .Get up blondy please *sniff* Its me curly .please don't leave me .I lost you once and I don't wish to anymore *sniff* Please baby forgive me please. Come back to me let's forget the past and start it fresh *sniff* please I promise this time I'll be extra protective "

I feel a hand on my shoulder. I lift my head to see Lottie standing .

Lot"Harry I think you should go home and bring some clothes of yours and come back here because I think you should stay here "

Me"but I can't leave her"

Lot"Go Harry meanwhile I'll change her into some clean clothes of mine"

Me"Do u need help"

Lot"no I don't"

Me"Sorry for the inconvenience Lotto "

Lot"I'll do anything for my friend "



Few days later ......... (Feb 1st)

I open my eyes to see its 4:00pm.I haven't slept well ever since that day .Whole of last night I didn't sleep as I was crying like every night what I do .Finally at 10:00 am only I fell asleep.

I'm staying in Lottie's house .So is Louis and Niall.Liam and Zayn are gone to London to take care of our work .its been days now but Infinity hasn't waken up.Today is my birthday so there was supposed to be a huge party but I called it off.The media is going wild on what's happening and why I called off my birthday but the they still don't know about Infinity.

I went to the sink ,take my brush,put paste on it ,look at myself in the mirror and brush my teeth .My eyes are puff,my cheeks are stained ,I have dark circles and I have long hair till my shoulder and some of it is all over my face. Ever since we broke up I started growing my hair and I never really cared to cut it except to trim it now and then.I wash my mouth and then take a shower. Once done I go back to my room.I take my towel and wipe myself . I take out my short pants and my rolling stone t shirt from my suitcase and wear it .

I go to the hall to in search of Lottie but she wasn't there .I hear talking noise from infinity's room but its not audible because it was closed lightly .I walk up to the door to see what's the noise but I pause and hid by the door ,when I hear

"It all started when I was a singer.........

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