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*Month later*

Harry's POV :

Oh how I wish she will be here tomorrow....

Its my birthday tomorrow and I really want Infinity to be here with me. Its been a month since I returned and started college. I know it selfishness to want her here but what can I do? I love  to pieces.

     I look at my watch and see its 11:30pm. I sigh and close my eyes trying to get some sleep.

"Harry wake up" I hear my mum call. I open my eyes to see complete darkness. I get out of bed and open the door. All I see is darkness

"Mum" I call out

A "Harry there is a power shutdown. Come here to help me see what's wrong"


A "In the kitchen"

I walk into the kitchen to find my mother holding a torchlight and digging the main box (uk the current box).

Me "Mum what's wrong?"

A "I'm trying to figure that out. Plz hold this torch and strick it here"

I nod and take the torch striking it on the main box. She continues fiddling with the wires.

A "Harry can you get me the tape from your room"

Me "OK"

I walk back to my room and start searching for the tape.

"AHHHHHH" I hear a ear piercing scream behind me which makes me jump and scream along.

All the lights come on which makes me jump again. I hear roar of laughter behind me. I turn around to see my wish come true

"Shit Infinity you scared me" I scold

She clings onto me

"Happy *giggle* birthday baby boy " she says whilst laughing

I wrap my arms around her and close my eyes enjoying her presence.

Me "I missed you"

I "me too"

Me "what are you doing here?"

She pulls away

I "do u think I'll miss my baby's 18th birthday"

I pull her back and crash my lips on her.

"Happy birthday-  oh I'm sorry" I hear my mum which makes us pull away.

Me "Mum come in"

She walks into the room. I start blushing cuz she just caught us kissing.

A "I'm so sorry i-"

I "its okay mum"

She hugs me and kisses my head

A "happy birthday"

Me "Thanks. So all this was a plan? The power and stuff"

A "yep"

Me "gezz mum u could have warned me. She scared the life out of me"

Mum giggles

A "I know I heard"

She pulls away.

A "OK now you two go to sleep. Infinity must be tired from traveling"

Me & I "okay mum goodnight"

A "Good night kids"

Mum leaves the room

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