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I walked into the house and it was lovely ,the most beautiful one even bigger that what I stayed in .

H .M "do u like it sweety "
Me "yeah aunty "
H.M "then go explode your room with Harry "
Me " OK "

With that I went exploring my house and Harry's house ,his house was amazing it was cute and colorful .
After awhile mum and dad arrived with our stuff ,then mum ,dad,Harry's mum and Dad arranged our stuff in the house .
I was in my room exploring it when suddenly a nail pocked my finger and blood started coming "ouch" I gulped, seeing blood made me tremble,then Harry came in
H "what happened Infinity ?"
Me " I hurt my finger "
H "omg infinity ,wait I'll call mom"
Me "no harry if your mum comes surely mine will too then my parents will scold me for not staying by them "
H "yeah "

Then he came close to me and took out his napkin from his pocket and tied it around my finger

H "see its OK now "
Me "Thank you Harry "


"Infinity get up " I woke up with my mum yelling .Thank goodness my mom or dad didn't notice my wound .I got dressed and ate my breakfast and went downstairs to see harry and his dad waiting for me by their car

Me "good morning Mr.Styles "
H .d "Good morning Infinity"
Me "Good morning Harry "
H "Good morning "

Then harry held my hand and we got into the car ....


Days later

Mrs.Herson "Children I hope all off you'll did you project and came "
Class "yes Mrs.Herson"

I searched in my bag and I couldn't find it ,omg no I remember doing it ,I think I left it at home ,now what am I going to do ,I started trembling again when I saw all the children take out their project even harry .

H" where is your project Infinity"
Me "I forgot to bring it Harry,what am I going to do ? " *tear roles down*
H "suhhhh don't cry ,here take mine I'll tell Mrs.Herson I didn't finish"
Me "no harry I can't its not fair "
H "ahh I'm gone use to getting punished just take it "
Me "harry - "
Mrs.Herson "Harry and Infinity can I see your work please"
H "Mrs.Herson I didn't bring mine and come I'm sorry "
Mrs.Herson "No excuses Harry get out and stand this entire period in the hall "
H "yes Mrs.Herson"

And I watched harry go out and give me a smile.


Me "Harry I would have told the truth "
H "no problem just leave it "
Me "no harry u can't get punished for me "
H "I can't but your friend can right ,what are friends for "
Me "Harry I'm sorry "
H "now stop it between friends they shouldn't be thank you or sorry ,its just must be understandable "
Me "your the best " and I hugged him and kissed him on his cheeks
H "can we go eat now I'm dying of hunger "
Me "yeah let's go " and we held each others hand and when to have our lunch .

(An example for Harry and Infinity is above) aren't they cute .
Sorry for slow updates ,please keep in library cause I will surely complete this story even though I update one in awhile.

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