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"Everything is because of u ,your a murderer "

                      One month later ...(Aug)

Its been 7 months and my baby bump is still not seen.no baby bump ,no feeling of the baby in me nothing .I've taken all the prescribed tablets and have stayed safe then what is wrong. I'm just so frightened

Right now I'm on my way to the Hospital with Jade in the car crying
J "baby don't cry ,nothing will be wrong "
Me "no jade I think the child is dead"
J "shut up "
Me "I'm sorry "

We arrive and I get down and Jade puts his arms around  my shoulder
J "don't worry"

I bend my head not willing to show that I'm crying and walk into the Hospital with Jade still holding and my heart beat increasing  😢😢


Its be five hours since Jade left me home and went away angry. I'm still in my clothes which I wore to the doctor my hair all messy ,my mascara all over my face my eyes red and puffy cause I've been crying .The only thing ringing in my ears is the doctors words

"I'm very sorry Mrs.Corden you've had a miss carriage "

Jade didn't say a thing he just dropped me home and speeded away .don't understand a thing I took care of myself and the baby so nicely then how can it be.I tool every single tablet correctly mentioned by the doctor.


Now what could that be.I got up and went to the hall to see Jade standing in front of me drunk with a alcohol bottle in his hand .

J "you murder u killed my baby"
Me "but Jade I didn't do -"
J "shut up *chocks me *  its all your fault*
Me "but Jade-".  Cuts me off by tightening his grip making me breathless .

Me "Jade you-r ch-hock". 😭😭😭😭😭

He leaves me and I breathe hard


I look up to see Jade had broken the alcohol bottle

Me "Jade what are u doing". 😭😭😭😭

He comes close too me

J "murderers like u need to be though a lesson *smirks* "

I start trembling

He bends down a bit and


I feel pain on my cheeks I put my hand to were I feel pain and then I look at it to see blood .He just cut me .

*slap*  😭😭😭😭😭😭

I feel pain on my other cheek .I start sobbing more

Me "Jade plz stop *sniff*  I didn't mean too,I'm sorry "
J "SHUT UP " I jerk


Blood starts poring from my hand cause he just cut my hand .

Me "Jade I'm sorry ".  😭😭😭😭😭

He chocks me again and pushes me too the wall

J "how can u even kill that infant, I know its your fault u didn't want the child from the beginning, I know u still like that curly friend of your"

I cry more.Then he lift the bottle and with full force his hand come to my face but he stops leaving an inch gap between the bottle and my face.


He pushes me down and kicks me hard


"Plz stop".     😭😁😭😭😭😭😭




I'm in my own pool of blood ,my clothes are ripped off ,my body has cuts all over which is bleeding ,there is glass pieces everywhere ,my body is trembling. I guess this is my punishment for what I did to harry I need it.Jade just says nothing and goes away driving fast somewhere but I don't know why he locks me in the house and goes away .


Harry's POV:

           3 weeks later ...........

*on the phone with Louis*
Me "Hey mate why are you calling so late is there any problem, I'm mean u spoke to me a hour ago "
L "H-Harry *sniff* put on the TV at once ,news see the news "
Me "mate clam down  tell me what happened "
L "just do what I say you'll understand "

He hangs the line.What's wrong I can hear him crying .Sth is wrong.I go to the hall and turn on my TV and switch trough my channels when the Breaking news catches my eyes

  "Country mourns to lose its legend ,SINGER INFINITY TREVOR DIES at 22, has reportedly died in a boom blast "

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"Nobody compares to you"
"Will I ever see u again"

Love you guys




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