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"I saw her , I saw it , I saw everything but I don't understand a thing"

I saw a white figure stand in front of the box.I observed her and got a shock to who I saw.It was Amber ,the girl who died when I auditioned for X Factors ,she was another contestant but I really don't know how she died.
'But how She is standing here right out of the box ?'
She is standing with blood all over her face and wearing a white dress.
Me"Amber is that you?"

She laughed and walked around the box .I started trembling cause I soon knew it was a spirit .I laid on the grass crouched up into a ball and closed my eyes tight trying to sleep but it was no use she kept calling my name and even started singing....

"You can count on me like one two three I'll be there and I know when I need it I can count on you like four three two and you'll be there.............."


Next day......

I slowly opened my eyes and saw the bright sun striking through the trees.I get on my feet but I stumble to the ground so I crawl and go towards the water. I wash my face and look at my reflection in the water,It looked hurtful to see my eyes all swollen and I can literally see my bones cuz I've lost weight .My stomach starts grumbling in hunger, I've not eaten for two weeks. I look at the grass,it looked fresh
'If an animal can eat it so can I'
With all my strength I pulled out some grass and ate it.It was bitter and gross but I was way too hungry to think about taste.

............. ..........................

A week later............

I really have no idea how long I'm here.I just wanna die but there is no way for me to do so .Right now I'm just lying down counting the stars.I hope Amber doesn't come today again .After that incident she appeared two more nights again.
I feel a drop of water and my face ,then two ,then three and at last it starts pouring .

10 mins later.....

Its still raining ,the house is almost flooded but bcuz of the gap for the stream its not that much.My hair and clothes are all wet, I'm just shivering with my teeth shuttering .I hug myself tight to keep warm but it was no use.

Thirty minutes later.......

Now that the rain as stopped, I removed my clothes , squeezed it and laid it on the grass keeping it to dry and kept on only my inner wear.I squeezed the water from my hair and laid on the wet grass.
Slowly my eyes became heavy zzzzzzz

....,......................... ........

Next day .... ..

I felt pain on my arm ,I jumped up at once and saw a Beatle on my arm

I tapped it away and crawled away from it .I looked at my hand and I saw it was bleeding ,so I took some water and wiped it .

Soon my arm became swollen and a big boil was formed causing me such pain.
'Omg I only hope I die '

Was all I could wish for.
If only Harry was here I would have been in his arms by now .


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