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'"I'm in the woods and I don't know why "

The next day.......

I got up all shaky not having the strength to move a muscle .I'm feeling so thirsty ,my tongue is dying .I slowing stood up on my feet but I felt severe pain between my legs ,I slowly took step by step and went near the picture .I took it and put it in my pocket .I went to the ashes of all my things and knelt in front of it sobbing .I put my hand in it and felt some thing I pulled it out and saw it was the bracelet Marcel gave me .It was black because of the fire.I put in on my hand and stared at my wedding ring and the ring harry gave me .
'If I only I never broke his heart he would have been here now'
All I had left was the ring,bracelet, chain and the pic ,no harry no Marcel no Sofija NO ONE .I'm an orphan. I started hitting my head with my hand when the door swung open reveling Jade .I did care though I just looked at the ashes .
J"Awe!The poor beggar is crying "

I turned and looked at him

Me"why Jade ? Why did u do this to me ?"

J"which r u asking about ? I did many things like Killed your baby ,Took Away your money ,Locked u here ,separated u from your little friend ."

Me"wait! What! U killed the baby ?"

J " yes ,those tablets which u took was to abort the baby"

I got up and ran to him and kept hitting his chest

Me"U murderer ,how dare u killed that little infant .how could u do that ? Why ?Why Jade? What have I done? "

He pushes me down the stairs sending me crashing on my back .he walks to me

J "what have you done *kicks me* your the cause for everything"

Me" w-what *sniff* have I done"

J "Shut up"

I was scarred .I don't get it what have I done.My body is trembling .He catches me by my hair and drags me up the stairs taking me towards his car

Me"AAAAHHH ! Where r u talking me"

He Carries me and puts me in the trunk of the car and takes out a cloth from his pocket and puts it over my nose suffocating me with a strong smell ,I try to push him away but he was strong .Slowly I became dazed and fell unconscious.


I slowly opened my eyes to see where I am .The view which I'm witnessing is so unreal, unexplainable,shocking and surprising .How can this be? You won't believe what I'm going to say.I'M IN A GLASS BOX IN THE WOODS .Yes I'm not crazy. Its a huge box as big as a normal house, made out of glass in the middle of the woods .Its has a glass door which I guess the locked .There is a small opening on either opposite side of the box allow a stream to run through it .No I can't fit in that gap.It has no roofing so if it rains it will fall in .From Inside I can can see the entire woods except cause all the sides a see through except for one side because it has a big black sheeting I don't know why .Buy there is no way to get outside this box .I can feel the grass cold underneath me .In the box there is even a tree ,huge one .Omg because of this bugs and animals can get inside cause all the branches of every tree is touching each other .
'I can't understand now what have I done ? Why did jade bring me here? How could have this been made?'
I got up and went close to the stream and saw my reflection in the water .All I saw was a orphan girl who once had everything ,Looking so thin and her face was marked with cry stains and her eyes was puff and red ,On her neck she had a love bit ,her hair was all messed up totally she was a mess .The girls is none anther than me .I took some water in my hand and washed my face and then drank some water from the stream .I walked to the black side of the box and sat down resting on that side .I looked at the woods ,it was scary .I started to tremble again and sob .I took out the picture from my pocket and looked at it .
'I should have been more careful .Its all my fault .I lost everything and everyone .I'm a orphan .How happy I was then.Me and him all happy and playful. When ever I was sad he was there but no more now .If only he knew I was alive .If only I cold hold him and tell I'm sorry and hold him in my arms telling him everything will be alright I'm okay .Harry I love you '


I woke up hearing howling noise .I slowly sat up cause the noise won't stop .all I could see was darkness .The only light was the moon .I started trembling again .I covered my ears with my hands and brought my knees close he my chest burying my face in it crying .

"I Know your somewhere out there somewhere faraway. I want you back yeah I want you back"

I lifted my head to see whose singing but I saw no one

"My neighbours think I'm crazy but there don't understand your all I had yeah your all I had "

It was a female voice which I heard .

Me "who is that"

No response

Me"who is there?"

I hear footsteps

"Infinty *giggle*"

Me"who is that what u want"


So how was it?
I cried reading it
Stay tuned to know who that voice belongs to


I hope I get nominated for the fiction award 2016

What do u think is my book worth it ?

A billion thanks to
but_whylove Tommo94HazmLoveInYourLaugh r_curry30. Athiesta. Becky_Allen. LifelineStyles soffkee. NiallsharrysOlivia. mastermind1d. Stand-up heymyirishangel. lauraeviola. HFOneDirection10. Directioner-Babe. directionerncagatist. gohorsego.
All those who nominated for me .Sorry if I didn't mention u but I'm grateful to u.
Love yah

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