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'You left me alone here and have gone far far away from me'

No No No No No No this can't be,my mum and dad will never leave me.

I looked at the TV with tears rolling down my eyes.Harry came into the house and gave me a confused look ,He opened his mouth but gasped when he read the news.I ran to him and clung onto him and cried in his chest.

Me"Harry they are gone harry .Mum and dad are dead Harry .They left *sniff* me here all alone"

I looked up at him and he also was crying .He hugged me and cried on my shoulder and I did on his.Then Anne came into my house

A"why are u crying"

We both ran to her and clung onto her and she wrapped her arms around both of us

H"mum Mr & Mrs.Trevor are dead *sniff* mum .They left us mum "

She saw the news and understood what's going on.At once she started crying

"Omg Anna " she gasped

She put both her hand on my cheeks making me look at me

A"Infinity baby don't cry ,You still have us"
Me"How will I be Anne without my mum and dad"

I pushed her hands and ran to my room and locked the door.I sat on my bed and took a picture of my mum ,dad and me which laid on the table ,I looked at it and fresh tears rolled down my eyes.I heard footsteps and Anne Knock on the door.

A"Infinity darling open the door "

I didn't answer her .Then I heard another set of footsteps and Harry knocked the door

H"Infinity please open the door"

H"Infinity please please open the door"

I didn't care .I looked at the picture in my hand

Me"why mum why dad why did u leave me all alone"

I opened my draw and pulled out the first aid kit .I opened it and took the scissors in my hand and held it to my wrist.

H"Infinity please open "

Me"mum dad I'm coming to join you"

I closed my eyes and ran the scissors on my skin.Soon blood started coming out of my wrist.I smiled in happiness as I felt me becoming weaker .Soon I fell unconscious on the bed.

Harry's POV:

Its been 20 mins since Infinity went in and she still didn't come out.Mum and me are still knocking the door but there is no response. I left my mum and ran down to the yard.I went behind my house and took a ladder and made it rest on the monkey top bellow her room widow .I slowly climbed up the ladder finally getting on to the Mickey top.I pushed the curtains and got inside.I saw her lying on the bed


I went close to her to see her wrist bleeding and her thrown unconscious. I saw the first aid kit by her so I took a bandage from it and bandaged her wrist to stop the bleeding.I Then I carried her in my arms and rushed and open the room door.

"Infinity" my mum gasps as soon as she saw Infinity .

My mum took her from me and carried her on her hips.

A"Harry get the car keys "

I ran to my house and got the car keys and ran to my car.Mum was already there .I gave her the keys and got into the car and mum put Infinity to lay on my lap.My mum got in and started the car.

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