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'Let me be your last yeah baby let me be your let me be your last first kiss'

Harry's POV:

I look at the time to see its 4:55pm.Mum already left to the airport.I didn't go cause I can't bare seeing her leave me.I'm gonna miss her.Ever since my mother left I've been in Infinity's room sitting on the floor resting my back on the wall and crying.

    I look at the pictures of me and her hanging in her room.
'I'm a fool I should have went .I didn't even see her when I woke up

I get up and go to my room.I'm going to Louis's house now to stay there for a week.I pull out my school bag cause it was the only thing I find.I empty it leaving it empty. I go to my wardrobe and take three pairs of my jeans,two t shirts and two shirts.A pair of my vans and converse and put them in my bag.I wipe my tears and go to the sink and wash my face.I dry my face with a towel and then put it my my bag too.I sling the bag on my shoulders and go to Infinity's room. I open her wardrobe and pull out her headset, since mine was broken I decide to take hers. Just then something falls down.I look at it and realize its her music book and secret diary

'Shit she forgot this book'

I  pick up the book when these words catch my eyes

Dear diary,
         I love Harry so much but I know he'll never see me the way I do...

I turn the page and start going through it even though I shouldn't read it.

The whole thing is clear

Infinity loves me and I just didn't know

'Go soon tell her ur love'

I back go to my room.I take my phone and dial Mr.Mark's number but he doesn't pickup


I take my purse and put it in my pocket and leave the house looking the front door and keeping the house keys in the postbox. I start running till I finally reach the road.I stand patiently waiting for a cab.I look at my watch to see it 5:25pm


A cab stops in front of me.I get in "Where to?" The driver asks

Me "airport and plz go fast"

I sit in my seat playing with my figures praying Infinity didn't leave.I don't know why I just want to tell her my love before she goes.I'm afraid I'll lose her.

'She loved me just like I did'

'She thought I didn't love her just like how I thought'

I zap back to reality when the car stops.I look out to see I'm in the middle of a heavy traffic jam


"Looks like it will take long" The driver says

I sigh and open the car door

"Where you going?"

"I'm leaving I can't wait" I say

I pay him his money and run to the platform. I look around to see the other side of the road is clear but this side is packed.I start running running running in hope that I will find her

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