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Knock knock

I open my eyes and slowly move out of bed on hearing someone knock on the door.

   After lunch I started feeling dizzy so I came to my room to take rest and like that only I fell asleep.now who on earth just woke me up.

I open the door to see Harry standing in front of me

H "did I disturb you"

Me "yes"

H"oh I'm sorry.i thought you'd have woken up by this"

I "it's okay..Now y did u wake me up?"

H "I wanna tell you sth"

I "come in"

I walk back in and sit on my bed and he follows my moves and sits beside me.

I "soo"

H "On Sunday I have a concert in London which I have to attend but I don't want to.Our tickets -"

I "our?"

H "yeah me and the boys"

I feel a bit sad cuz he is not taking me but ik he can't

H "so as I was saying our ticket have been booked for tomorrow night at 11 o'clock so I'll be leaving tomorrow"

I "when will u come back?"

H "Idk maybe weeks later or a month later cuz I have continuous shows.Hey but don't worry I'll have some here too that time u could come for it and we'll have fun.What u say?"

"OK" I fake a smile and look down trying hard not to cry

He senses my feelings and puts his hand on my chin making me look at him

H "I don't wanna leave you too but it's my job I can't help it .You will stay here.Mum,Lottie,Marcel and Charlie are here with you-"

Me "Sofia?"

H "oh she's going back to London too cuz she too has concerts."

Me "oh"

H"don't worry I'll call u or we'll video chat when I'm free OK"

Will I lose him again.

Thinking of it makes me more sad.I cling onto him and burry my head in his chest.He wraps his arms around me which makes me breakdown.

H "shhh it's okay I'll be back ASAP"

I "I'm afraid I'll lose u again Harry.I don't want to lose u again"

H "then come with me"

I realize what I'm saying and our promise and the threat hits my mind.

I can't have him

I pull away and wipe my tears

Me "No No no no I'm sorry I can't I shouldn't.our promise.your married.Don't worry about me I'll be fine..go take care of Kylie.. Don't think too much about me..It's best for you to go. Kylie is in London right?"

H "yes"

Me "Have u told her about me yet?"

H "no I haven't spoken to her"

I close my eyes and taken a deep breath

It's now or never

Me "Let's keep a distance between us Harry...Start spending more time with Kylie.. Please don't think of me and it's okay if u don't call.All I want is u to be happy.."

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