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"I'll protect you
Don't get scared I'm here by your side"

Harry's POV:      

Me "infinity come on let's go "
I "no harry u go home I must go to the principal's office"
Me "why"
I "I didn't do my homework this whole week so they called my mum ,she must be waiting for me "
Me "why didn't u do it"
I "just go Harry I must go now ,I'll come with mommy"
Me "OK bye "
I "bye "

I know something is wrong ,I can see that see is hiding something ,she always does her homework ,I must ask someone what's wrong .Correctly then I see my friend Charlie

Me "hey Charlie wait up "
C "hey Mate ,How are u "
Me "I'm fine ,I need to ask u something"
C "about what "
Me "Infinity, she's in your class right ,is anyone bullying her or something, she is acting different"
C "didn't she tell u "
Me "no ,now u tell me "
C "Its mickey he's been bullying her for three weeks ,first he used to take her lunch then from this week her homework and she gets the blame of not doing it "
Me "so much has happened but she never  told me a thing"
C "mate she is scared that Mickey will hurt u cause he's elder to u "
Me "hurt me ,*laugh* I'll smash his head "
C "mate cool first talk to infinity ,she must be scared now that they have told her mum "
Me "OK thanks mate ,I have to go "
C "no problem mate bye "

I continue walking when I see Mickey go to the bathroom ,I go behind him and stand in front of him
M "hey Harry mate "

I walk to him and punch him on his nose

Me "I dare u bully my Infinity"
M "oh so your come to fight ,I'm on"

And we both start fighting ,I punch him and he punches me ,we role on the ground holding each others shot till we are interrupted

Louis "What's happening, here hazza what did he do "
Me "what else bully bug this time he messed with my friend"
L "who your friend Infinity"
Me "yes "
And punch him again then Louis pulls me from him
L "I'll take care of him"

Then Louis pushes Mickey to the wall and lifts him up with his neck

L "listen up mate don't u dare mess with my friend or Infinity again,if I catch u bullying her your dead."
M "o-ok "
L "I'll have a eye on you"

Then Mickey walks away .Louis is Mickey's age Since Mickey failed he is in the 5th grade but Louis is in the 8th.I know louis from the time I joined Homes Chapel ,he's always been a big brother for me

Me "Thanks louis "
L "No problem ,now its getting late u better go "
Me "yeah bye"
L "bye"

I get out off school without anyone seeing me and get into my car.Right now my shirt is opened and dirty and my jaws are bleeding .
I get home and open the door to see mum and dad not their .I silently tip toe in not wanting to get caught if my mum is home sleeping or something.I go to my Bathroom and quickly wash myself and change into my PJs ,then correctly I hear Infinity's front  door open.they are come.I throw my clothes on the bed and run up to her house and get inside and hear her mother yell at her ,I slowly open her room door to see her crying .
Me "Mrs.Trevor"

I saw both look at me

Mrs.T "Omg Harry what happened to your jaws"

I touched my jaws and it was bleeding again. Damm it .

Me "I fell down in school while running"
Mrs.T "Come here let me bandaid it "

She then took out a first aid box and took a cotton dipped it in medicine and rubbed it on my jaws cleaning it with Infinity helping her  and then she put a bandaid on it

Mrs.T "now its better"
Me "Mrs.Trevor why are you shouting at Infinity"
Mrs.T "She's been a very bad girl Harry not like you "
Me "Mrs.Trevor I'll teach her then to be a good girl "
Mrs.T "really"
Me "yup"
Mrs.T "Then see that see does all her homework please my son "
Me "Yeah OK Mrs.Trevor ,year after me and Infinity will do our homework together"
Mrs.T "that's good ,but no playing "
Me "yes Mrs.Trevor"
Mrs.T "OK I'll leave u two now I must go ,your mum is waiting for me at the supermarket "
Me "Bye Mrs.Trevor"
Mrs.T "bye Harry ,bye infinity be a good girl "
I "bye mum "

Infinity's POV:

Me "bye mum "

And my mother went away.If Harry hadn't have come I don't know what I would have did .I saw him go and lock my room door and stand in front of me and wiped my tears which were still on my cheeks from me crying

H "Don't cry I took care of everything"
Me "Everything? Wait do u mean"
H "Mickey and everything he won't bully u again "
Me "Harry what are u saying, what happened Harry"
H "Charlie told me everything ,then I saw Mickey and I got irritated so I went and warned him not to bully you but he didn't listen so we had a little fight"
Me "What is that's why your Jaws-"
H "yeah ,don't worry its gone "

I started crying and shook him by his shirt

Me "gone mad ,that's why I never told you ,now see what has happened"
H "yes I'm gone mad trying to save you but u are fighting with me instead of him "

He got angry and crossed his arms over his chest and turned so his back was facing me ,I knew he was acting though .I got up and hugged from behind

Me "I don't what to see u hurt Harry ,that's why .I'm just to scared to fight with him.I'm sorry "

He then turns towards me and hugs me too

H "same I don't like you getting hurt "
Me "Thank you Harry your the best "
H "Your the best too and please in case he bullies u tell me OK "
Me "OK"

I lifted my head and kissed his jaw

Me "I love you"

And He kisses my head

H "I love you more"

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