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"If you like causing trouble up in hotel rooms and if u like having secret little   if u like to do the things you know that we shouldn't do. Baby I'm perfect for you"

Months later

College as been super cool these months. I've released my very own album called Red which I'm touring for now. I have my own private jet. Its two years since I'm a singer now.I have my own houses, yep one in London for me and one in Cheshire for Harry and mum. All thanks to Mr.Cowell.

Today is my 19th birthday.Right now I'm Machu Picchu with Harry.And guess for what? Well to go PARA GLIDING. It was his idea not mine. I'm scares as hell. All I said was let's come here and now here I am climbing the mountain to reach the top.
"Harry I'm scared" I say

H "I'm here"

Finally we reach the top and some men start attaching ropes and belts of the pare glide on us.Then I listen as the man instructs us on how to glide.  Once we are ready we start walking towards the edge. Well Harry is tied to me leaving us face to face.. We both are going on one glide.

"Harry I'm scared. I'm gonna die. Just know that I love you no-" I ramble

"Infinity we are fine see we are tied plus I'm jumping with you" he giggles

"I love you too" he adds and kisses my lips.

I cling onto him as we reach the end.

"On three okay? " he asks


"Harry I can't I can't"


"No Harry"


And we jump. I close my eyes and hold him tight.I expect pain or something but all I feel is like in free and flying. I open my eyes and see us Harry gliding us in the wind. I smile and sprees out my hand

"Harry we're alive. Gosh Harry I'm flying" I exclaim

"Yes baby"

"Yeppeee wow woppee" I make funny noises

Finally after loads of laughter and enjoyment we land down.

"That was- " I cut him off by crashing my lips on his.

"Awesome" I complete and start giggling.

Two months later. (Jan 2008)

"Come on come turn the radio on its Friday night and I won't be long" I sing along whilst vacuuming the floor.

"Style my hair put my makeup on its Friday night and I won't be long" I sing as Sia sing on TV.

I look through my window to see its still raining. Its been raining for 30 mins now. Heavy down pour.

"Ding Dong" I here my doorbell ring

Who is it?

"Coming" I yell

I turn off the vacuum cleaner and decrease the TV volume. I go to the door .

"Who is it?" I ask whilst looking in the key whole. All I see is the person showing me a bouquet.

I open the door and I'm shocked to see a man who is wearing a rain coat and a mask. I gasp wondering why he needs a mask.He gives me the bouquet which he is holding. Its a beautiful of with different types of roses.

Mistake:now & Then Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora