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"I don't what to do , should I feel happy or sad"

I closed my eyes praying for the Panther not to kill. I felt it lick me .I think its tasting me.Oh God please save me.It licked me again.Then I felt it push its head in my hand and snuggle into my arms.I opened my eyes all confused on why it never killed me .It licked me again and I started petting it .Then I noticed it had a cut by its eyes and it had a healed wound on its paw .Know I remember it , its Blacky the Panther I helped when I was little. No wonder it didn't arm me .I was happy now that I had a friend .I got up and started playing with Blacky

Me"Blacky come on catch me"

Soon we both felt tired and laid on the grass looking at the stars

Me"Blacky I'm glad I at least have you with me "

My stomach grumbled in hunger.Suddenly Blacky got up .I did the same.Blacky walked towards the tree and started climbing it

Me"Blacky where are you going"

It just ignored me and went away.I didn't try climbing the tree for two reasons .one ,I don't know how to climb a tree and I'm scared to try.Two,I'll get lost if I escaped.

30 mins later...........

I saw the branches shaking .I looked up and saw Blacky on the branch.


He jumped into the box .I noticed that he had a piece of meat in his mouth.He came and left it in front of me and looked at me.I looked at it confused and looked up at him.with his snout he pushed it closer to me.I soon understood that it was for me to eat.

Me"yuck ! There is no way I'm eating that"

My stomach grumbled in hunger .I looked at Blacky and he pushed the meat closer to me.With no other go I took the meat in my hand.It was raw and looked disgusting.I closed my eyes and took a bite .It tasted puckish but as I took more bites I felt stronger and the puckish feeling went away.Once I was done eating I hugged Blacky and kissed it on its head.

Me"Thank u"


3 months later...............

I saw Jade come and open the door and walk in.

J:"Looks like your still alive "

I didn't bother to look at him

He squatted in front of me and lifted my chin

J"look at me"

J"look at me"

Me"What do u want? Look at you , look at your heartless face "

J"Awe why do u call me that"

Me" you Fucking killed my baby and Trap me in the middle of the woods.What else can I call u? what have I done why are you doing this to me?"

He chocks me and I see anger in his eyes.

J"What have you done ? You know what's today ? Its my sister's dead day .And your the cause for her death"

Me"what r u saying ? I don't understand a thing"

J"you bitch don't act.Because you sang a little better my sister lost .It was her dream to be a singer and you took it away.You know what she did because of you.She commented suicide."

Me"who are you about ? "

J"Don't you remember Amber , Amber Corden .your competitor during the x factors"

Me"but Jade she was my best friend .I didn't do anything the judges selected me"

gets up and kicked me

J"Don't lie ,I know every thing "


He kicks me again making me cry in pain

Me"your a murderer bitch cry , cry nicely and die and here I forgot to give you this"

He kicks me again and then throws a magazine by me .He kicked me again and went away locking me back in this box house .I slowly crawled and took the magazine. My vision was blurred as I was sobbing.I slowly sat up and whipped my tears .My body was really aching from the the kicking.I looked at the magazine reading the Blod news

'Singer Harry styles gets Married to his childhood friend Kylie Jenner'

And I see a pic of Harry in the tux and Kylie in her wedding dress.He looked different ,he had long hair till his shoulders and his eyes looked more darker and Kylie Looked like a young beautiful woman.Tears start streaming down my eyes but I really don't know if I should feel sad or happy.I mean from the day I got married I always told Anne to get Harry married soon but Now I don't know if I should feel happy.I know she is a good pair for him and he'll be happy and will forget about me but half my heart wants him back.But I know he is no more mine , he and I can never love again the way we used to .I smiled with my heart still aching thinking that Harry will be Happy after this and he doesn't need me to tell him I'm OK .

Never will I ever see you again...................

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