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'I won't let them hurt you
No I won't let them touch you
I'll protect you till the very end
With every piece of me
I'll protect you
Even if I'm too lose my life'


I look around trying to find my boyfriend who is hiding in the woods.I hear giggles and know he is near.

Me "Harry come out come out where ever you are"

Finally I spotted the mop of curls peeping from a tree.I slowly tiptoed to the tree

Me "Got you"

He startles up and I start laughing. He looks at me and chuckles lightly.I walk closer to him and put my palms on his cheeks pulling him closer and Stop when are lips come in contact.We start sucking on each others lip enjoying the moment


The loud noise makes me pulls away and Harry falls down groaning.I look at him to see blood coming from his back as he is now turned around , realizing he has been shot. I look around to see who did it and I see Jade with a gun in his hand walking towards me. Suddenly someone catches my hair and pulls me backwards making me scream in pain.Hot tears start to roll down my eyes.I lift my head up to see who did it and I see Alice looking at me evilly. I look back at Harry to see Jade kicking Harry mercilessly.

"No plz stop" I scream in pain

I try crawling to him but I'm pulled back by my Hair.

"Plz leave me"

J "its all your fault Infinity you should have listened when I told u to come back to me"

I sob more

Me "plz I'm sorry, leave him"

J "too late dear"

I struggle to get free but it only leads to her pulling my hair more.Finally Jade points the gun to Harry

J "Rest in peace brother"

And Bang



"Infinity Infinity wake up"

I feel someone shaking me up

Wake up ?

I shoot my eyes open and look around to find myself in my own room in bed next to Harry.At once I start touching him to make sure its real

Me "Harry Harry you OK"

Tears are already rolling

H "yes I'm fine"

I wrap my arms around him and pull him close to me.I start sobbing thinking of how realistic the dream was.

H "baby what Happened?"

Me "Ja-ade ki-ll-ed *sniff* y-you"

H" shh its just a dream I'm safe no one can ever harm me or you"

After awhile I start relax.I pull away

Me "Harry I want to go out?"

H "where to?"

Me "somewhere but just you and me.Remember our midnight picnic when we were young?"

H "yeah how could I forget that...Hey let's have a midnight picnic today"

Mistake:now & Then Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon