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"Am I dead or alive? Is this some kind of game.I'm so frightened"

Next day.......

Infinity's POV:
My wounds was slowly heeling after him hiting me and I'm ok now but Jade has not come home ever since that day.I make a sandwich for me and sit on my couch eating it .I then turned on the TV cause its so boring ,has I switched through channels I felt that even TV is boring .I was just about the off it when the headlines caught my eyes.

'Singer Infinity Trevor dies at a car accident, countries biggest despair"


I'm dead ,I'm sitting here large as life ,are these people gone nuts .Then I see Jade crying on TV by a body which everyone think is mine .Wait what .Is he mad.even worse my so called funeral is also been shown, how can this be .Just then the door opens snapping me out of my thoughts and Jade walks in straight to his room ignoring me .I go behind him
Me "Jade WTF I'm alive here and your crying over some dead body"

He ignores me and continues searching for sth.

Me "Jade what is this all about"

I shake him.
I feel my right cheek burn has he slaps me sending me crashing to the ground.I start crying

Me "Jade what's wrong with u"

He squats down in front of me

J "awe the little ghost is crying ,so sad"
J "SHUT UP"   another slap

He continues searching and finally takes out a rope and a card reader. I watch him has he puts a memory card in it .
Me "Jade what are you doing"

He put the card reader in his pocket and takes the rope in one hand.He comes close to me ,carries me and flings me over his shoulder .I hit him on his back and cry "where are u taking me" I ask but he was to strong to let go.He walks out of the house and goes behind the house. He then opens a door which leads you down to the basement ,couldn't he take the way to the basement from the house?  Then climbs down the stairs and once we reached the basement he puts me to sit on a chair.
Me "Jade What r u doing"

He takes my left hand and starts tying it to the left hand of the chair.I try pulling my hand but it resulted in him slapping me again.He did the same to my right hand and my legs tied it to the chair.I did try to pull away my hand and ask him what he was doing to which he never replied, I couldn't fight him he was to strong .
Me "Jade open me ,why have you tied me up"
He takes a roll of dutch tape and sticks my mouth with it .

J "Now at last peace and quiet"
Me "um awaguj jvhj".
J "what u say I didn't understand u"
Me "um um fhjch"
Slaps me
J "Shut up and just watch what I'm gonna show u "

Tears pour down my eyes.He goes and inserts the card reader to a TV which is in the basement  in front of me . He turns on the TV and a video starts playing

J "You know what this is"

I look at the TV ,all I can see is people crying

J "Your funeral video ,don't have to thank me for showing it to u .You know your very lucky no person in the world got to see their funeral after dying but you did.Oh I'm sorry I'm disturbing you *laughs*  enjoy the video "

He walks towards the stairs

J "ah and make yourself comfortable this is your new home from today on wards .bye"

And he climbs the stairs and goes up and I hear him lock the door .What is this ? My new home? What's wrong with him ? His he gone mad? .Then my eyes go on the TV.

I start watching it.

I can see people crying by my body and screaming my name ,then I see Harry walking to my body which everyone think is me, with Anne and Louis .Harry goes and takes my so called  Hand  what everyone think is me and kiss it and starts to sob "I'm so so sorry Infinity if only I had stayed with u like I promised this wouldn't have happened" he says and hits his head with his hand.More hot tears pour from my eyes .what is Jade's plane ,making me and Harry cry ?.I see Louis and Anne to crying but consoling Harry at the same time.He sits there cries and cries none stop "come back to me baby plz I want u back " he says holding that bodies hand  but then his mom pulls him away and takes him and goes.All I wanna do right now is to hold him in my arms and tell him I'm alive.Then I see people coming and kissing that body.Then I see Marcel and Sofia Coming and sitting by that body holding its hand and crying. "Your the only person I had left and now your to gone.come back to me or take me with you " he says sobbing making me cry more and more , "Rest in peace dear friend, love you ". Sofija says and consoles Marcel making him stand up and walk.But I see Marcel coming close to the camera and I see like he is hitting someone "your the cause of her death " he says.I guess Jade has the camera on him ."What have I did mate" Jade says but then Sofija pulls Marcel away I hope Harry didn't see Marcel.
What is this about? Why am I going through all this? From small my life is agony , what does Jade want and why is he doing this? I thought he loved me .if he wanted me dead he should have just killed me .I need answers.


It became dark cause its night time .The TV also cut off on its own.No light nothing its pitch dark.I'm so frightened of the dark.I start trembling. How long am I gonna be here.I feel some thing running by my leg and sniffing my toes ,Omg I guess its a rat .I wiggled my toes to push it away and thank fully worked.I tilted my head trying to sleep but I couldn't cause their was howling heard and it was hot and this rat together get torturing me.And I'm feeling so hungry, I didn't eat my lunch nor my dinner.

This is really infinity not her ghost .
She is alive.
Stay tuned to know what happened
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I may not update for till 28th.I'm starting my exams wish me all the best and pray for me .I'll try my best to update though.

Love u guys..........

All the love .T

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