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"We are in each others life for a reason.Thank u for showing up"

Me "Harry where are you"
H"I'm here"

Me and Harry are going for Louis's birthday party. So I'm all dressed up searching for him.I'm wearing a white dress which falls till my Knees,it was actually Harry's choice and I loved it .my hair was pun into a bun done by my mum ,my face was full of make up also done by my mom .I had on pencil heel shoes which made me taller and wobble. I don't like to wear heels cause I can't walk with them but the shoes was Harry's choice again so I wore it.
I finally found him in his room and he was adjusting his tie .And when he turned I felt butterflies cause he looked hot and cute ,this boy who once had straight has curls hair now. His hair was styles in a quiff which looked awesome. He looked perfect
H "you look pretty"
Me "thanks,you look cute"
He chuckled
We intertwined our hand and walked out and got into the car . when we passed Harry's mirror we literally looked like a mini bride and groom which made me blush .


We finally got to the party house .When we walked in all eyes was on us .Harry didn't leave my hand neither did I .Then Louis came up to us and we hugged and kiss him
Me &H "happy birthday Lou"
L "Thanks guys, thank u for coming enjoy the party "
H "yeah we will mate don't worry"

Then he left

H "want juice to drink"
Me "yes plz"
H "ok I'll get some"

And he walked through the crowd.There was music ,everyone was dancing ,talking flirting, and eating. "Infinity you look fabulous" I turned to see who said it and I saw a  cute boy in his tux Which was Charlie .
Me "you to "
C "where is harry"
Me "gonna get me juice"
C "oh ,wanna dance "
Me "I don't know how to "
C "me too,just come and shake and wiggle your body " this made me laugh
Me "ok"

I went by the crowd and started dancing crazily ,moving my hands and legs and hips according to the music and laughing .The song playing though was my favorite it was 'sorry' by JB .When the song got over I saw harry coming towards me
Me"Harry come on dance with us"
C "yeah mate"
H"ok here drink your juice"

I took it and gulped it so did Harry all excited to dance .Then we started dancing for 'Cheep trills ' by sia .
We just danced crazy ,I was just laughing has I danced .

Then Louis came and pulled Harry and went away to show Harry to his friends .Then Charlie left me all alone cause he want to wee.Then 'Cheerleader' started playing and I started dancing watching the other and improving my skills not bothering I was alone. Then  I fell someone put there had on my hips I turn to see its a stranger ."Sorry I thought ur my girlfriend" he says with a evil smirk.I can see his eyes read evil but he looks so innocent ,I'm not judging him. "No problem" I replied
"Your dancing fab" he said
Me "thanks but I don't know how to dance truly "
" really I don't see it ,do u want me to teach u some moves ? I'm a dancer" he said
Me "ok"

Then did a little dance move and I copied it

"No u should shank ur hip" he said holding my hip but I pushed his hands off.Then he the splits
Me "I don't think I can do that"
"Just try ,its easy" he said
I tried but I couldn't ,"I'll explain" he said and started instructing me how to do it and then started touching me and making me feel uncomfortable.I even felt him leave a small kiss on my neck ,so I decided to go
Me"ok thanks for your help I must go now ,need to find Louis"
And walked when I felt his hand on my back but I just pushed through the crowd on hopes to find Harry and loose this stranger.Then I bumped into someone which was Harry and I was happy I finally saw him
H "where have u been"
Me"um dancing"

Then a slow song started playing.it was also my favorite and a old song .'from this moment ' was the song.

H "may I have this dance"
He held out his hand and I took it and went on the dance floor .with my right hand I held his shoulder and he held my hips and intertwined our fingers of our left hand and start moving slowly with the music .I can't resist but start singing the song and so was Harry.This moment was so beautiful I'll keep in mind.


We went home after the party and changed into hour PJs and harry decided to sleep in my room .so right now we both are cuddled up in bed.

H "from this moment is your favorite song?"
Me "yes"
H "mine too,can u sing it for me"
Me "no way"
H "plz"
Me"ok but you must sing alone"
H "ok start"
Me "no u start I'll join"
H "ok"

We both start singing .Has I did I only looked at him and so did he .Slowly I don't know what got into us our head met and then slowly our lips got closer and closer but I realized and pulled away .I started blushing so did Harry.I turned to the other side so I was facing the wall and I felt him do so ..

H "Infinity did u have ur first kiss"
H "nope"
Me"hey  ,Kylie"
H "yes,but I don't consider that cause I'm not in love with her.How can I be in love with my best friend"
Me "do u have a crush on someone"
H "ahh" he yawned "let's sleep"
Me"nighty night"
H "nighty night"

I turned back to him and he did to and we cuddled under the sheet and fell asleep.


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