Imagine 99

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*This one will be like imagine 89*

Hey Beautiful, I'm back. Sorry it took me awhile to come back. I've been recording a lot. But how have you been? I hope you've been good, I've missed talking to you.
Did you take my advice? Or more like recommendation, did you stop hurting yourself? At least for a little bit.
I know it's hard, love.
If you did that's great! I knew you could do it.
If not, then that's okay. We can always try again.
I'm here for you y/n. I hope you know that. I love you a whole lot. I wish I could wrap you in a hug and hold you close but I can't right now. But I will! I'm for sure on that. I will see you and hug you.
Anyway Love, what you up too? Anything fun?
I do know for a fact you are reading this so that's pretty cool. ;)
How's school? Good, bad?
Good? That's amazing! We want it to be that way!
Bad? Oh no! I'm sorry! I wish I could be there, I would walk you to every class.

Don't ask about me, this about you, love. You matter the most. You are what's important to me, is youtube but I love you too!

Anyway beautiful, I need to go again. I'm sorry. I'll be back I promise. But until then, do me a favor. Put down that physical object that hurts you and push away from the people who hurt you. Don't worry about those mental thoughts, they aren't real. Just breathe and remember, you are one of a kind.

Bye for now,
        Jack <3

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