Imagine 13

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I was sitting in my chair, editing a video while y/n was out. I don't remember where she went, like some store in town. I didn't want to go, not only would I be the only one that was a guy but I twisted my ankle the other night and I don't want to do much walking. I was done editing the video. As it was loading and processing, I got up to go get some food. It was lonely here in the apartment. I miss y/n a lot right now. I made sure all my videos were done early so we could have the rest of the day together but she went out with her friends. I laid on the couch with my foot propped up, I played Grand Theft V on y/n's PlayStation that we have hooked up in the living room since mine is connected to my computer. I'm too lazy to un connect it and bring it in to the living room.

"Grrr" I growled under my breath as I got shot down. I played music from y/n's speakers she set around the house. Okay so everything sound's like y/n owns it but nooooo not true! She just has really cool stuff.

*Knock Knock*

"Who the hell would be here?" I questioned while standing up. I limped over to the door and opened it.

"Um is y/n here" A guys voice said.

"Um no" I said to the man.

He sighed. "Wrong house I guess. I'm sorry to bug you sir"

The man turned to walk away.

"Wait! No y/n lives here but she's just not home. Can I get a name and number. I'll have her call you when she gets home" I said and stepped out the door. The man smiled slightly and asked for some paper. I handed it to him.
He wrote down his name and number.

"Thank you sir, make sure she calls I need to talk with her" the man said before getting in his vehicle and leaving.

I shut the door and limped back to the couch. I laid back down and read the paper.

Y/n call me, I miss you a lot. Please call when you get this. -D

A frowned a little and shoved the piece of paper in my pocket and kept playing GTA.

*2 hours later*

I was now snuggled up under a blanket watching some tv. I yawned and forced my eyes to stay open.

"Hey babe!" Y/n cheered as she walked in.

I smiled softly.

"Hey" I said back. She came over and gave me a kiss before checking my ankle.

"Is it okay?" She asked.

"Yeah..just sore" I replied.

She nodded and lifted my feet up so she could sit down. I set my feet on her lap as she watched the show.

"Oh I almost forgot" I said as I dug in my pocket. "A man stopped by, he needed you"

I handed her the slip of paper.

"Ugh" she groaned and pulled out her phone.

"Babe?" I questioned as she pushed my feet off and stormed into my office.

She didn't answer.

'Who in the hell is that man?'

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