*Authors note*

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Hey everyone! So quick authors note, I haven't updated in awhile because I'm working on a big thing for the imagines. It's like a special imagine. I'm trying to make sure it looks good. I want it to be long enough for you guys and its not bad. So the imagines should be back to normal soon. I hope to do what Jack does, post two videos a day well maybe two imagines a day. How does that sound? 

Also another thing, I've been really wanting to write more things about Jack or about Mark maybe some other you tubers. So should I write a story? Or do some more imagines? I don't really know. I want to make you all happy and make sure I'm still writing what I think is fun. 

So comment some you tubers and what I should do. please.

Jacksepticeye ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now