Imagine 63 (Resquested)

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This imagine is for music_girl101

Place: Vidcon

I pushed past a few large crowds of people.
"Michael!" I yelled. A few people gave me weird looks as I kept looking for my friend.
He basically just abandoned me! How dare! He knows his way around, I don't! He has been here before, I haven't! Ugh that boy is going to pay!
I let a small sigh out as I decided to have some fun and look around. I saw many booths; some that were cool, some that weren't.
As I was pushing past another large crowd, I heard a loud yell.
A bunch of girls and some boys bursted into screams or yells.
I covered my ears and somehow squeezed myself through the people and into the front.
A man stood in front, he has bright green hair and small build. His bright eyes and loud voice were filled with excitement.
"NEXT!!" The big security guard yelled.
He looked at me.
"Oh no I'm not-" I started. He didn't care, he hustled pushed me up to the man.
"Hey! what's your name?" The green haired man asked.
"Autumn" I replied.
"Nice to meet you Autumn! I guess you already know me" he said with a wide grin.
"Um..well actually I don't..I just was curious about the crowd.." I replied honestly.
The man laughed.
"I understand. The name is Jack, I have a YouTube channel called Jacksepticeye" He explained.
I nodded.
"Well sorry to push through this but we have to get through a lot of people so I hope to see you later" he says and gives me a piece of paper.
I nodded and walked away but I couldn't seem to pull myself away from the booth. So I just sat back and waited.
"Autumn?" A voice called from behind me.
I turned around to see Jack.
"Oh uh hey Jack!" I said with a small wave.
"You waited for me?" He questioned and sat beside me.
"Yeah sorry about that" I sighed.
"No it's okay, I'm happy you did maybe now I can take you out" Jack said with a smile.
"What?" I asked.
"Take you out, you know for a drink, I heard that there's a good coffee shop down the road" he explained.
I smiled. "I would love to join you"
"Great! Let's go!" Jack said and stood up. He grabbed your hand and pulled you along just like you and him have known each other forever.
And from there you and jack started to get closer and after a few months; he asked you out. You agreed, soon after two years of long distance relationship. You moved in with Jack. You sometimes look back and think "what if I'd never have stopped?" And you always answer with "I would've never found the love of my life"

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