Imagine 40 *Braxton Adventures*

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Help! I don't know what else to do for these imagines! Please help!

Jack was filming a video while Braxton was at school and you were at work. Sam was taking a nap in his room. Today was Sam's first birthday.

Jack's POV-

"*wapish* top of the mornin to ya laddies, my name is Jacksepticeye and welcome to a another video of!" I said into the camera.
"So" I started while I picking out my Septiceye Sam skin.
"I have to be quiet today since my son is sleeping in the other room".
After the recording, I went to check on Sam. He was wide awake, sitting up. His brown hair was all messy from sleep.
"Daaaa" he cooed as I walked in.
"Hey Sammy boy" I said and picked him up. He laid his head on my shoulder and watched his surroundings.
I went back into my office and sat Sam in my lap.
I started the camera and looked at Sam.
*wapish* "top of mornin to ya laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye and this is Sam" I said. Sam stared my computer.
"Today we are making a vlog and answering questions" I said. Sam giggled and clapped his hand. I smoothed out his messy hair as I looked at the first question.
"How old is Sam now? And how old is Braxton now?" I read aloud.
"Well Sammy boy here just turned one today and Braxy is six" I replied.
"Can you do something with Braxton?" I read aloud.
"What like a collab? He's six, what can I do with a six year old?" I asked.
Soon I finished the video, Sam was still awake. I fed him and set him on the floor while I put up decorations.
Soon Braxton and y/n came home.
"Sam!" Braxton cheered and started to play with him.
Y/n kissed my cheek and set a cake down. It was a small circle cake. It was green with a blue number one written on it with Sam underneath it.
We weren't having a big birthday for him. No we didn't want that and Sam doesn't like when there are a lots of people around him or loud noises. He doesn't cry when I'm loud cause he knows it's me but people he doesn't know well..he will flip.
Sam squealed. Me and y/n turned to look at him. He was laying on his back while Braxton tickled his sides.
I saw y/n smile at the sight. Braxton loved Sam more than anyone else. He rarely got mad at Sam and he was always by his side when he was able too.
"Braxy bring Sam over here" I said.
Braxton picked Sam up. I  ran over to help out the six year old. I set Sam in his high chair. Y/n set the cake in front of him. He looked at while titling his head.
We all sang happy birthday, while Sam giggled at Me. I was making stupid faces again.
"Smash it lil man" I said after the song. I held my phone up to record it.
Sam looked at the cake. He touched it with his finger before sticking his whole hand inside the cake. Braxton cheered which made Sam happy. So Sam did it again just to make his big brother happy.
Sam started to eat the cake and rub it on his arms.
"Dadadadadadada" Sam said while he ate and destroyed his cake.
"Why is he saying dada while smashing his cake, I feel hurt" I joked.
Y/n laughed at Me and got some icing.
"Hey Jack" I heard her say.
"Yeah?" I questioned.
I turned around, and she pressed her lips to mine. I gladly took the kiss, but as she was pulling away she rubbed cake icing on my cheek.
I frowned. "Thanks dear"
She laughed. "You're welcome"
Braxton ran to his room and came back with a poorly wrapped box that was covered in tape.
"Sam..I got you this!" Braxton said.
Y/n looked at me confused. I shrugged not knowing myself.
Braxton opened the gift since Sam had cake all over his hands.
He held up a small white shirt. Y/n covered her mouth when she saw that it had "Best Baby Brother" written on the front in Braxton's hand writing.
"My teacher helped me make it" Braxton told Sam.
Sam smiled and squealed.
I picked up Braxton, and hugged him.
"That was nice of you Braxy" I say. "Why don't we clean him up and put him in it"
Braxton nodded happily and ran to his bedroom as I set him down.
Y/n cleaned Sam up and dressed him in the shirt and some jeans.
Braxton came back with his Panic! Shirt on with some jeans.
"Look momma! I picked out my own clothes!" Braxton cheered.
Y/n laughed and set the boys together. Y/n took a few pictures before Sam fell asleep again but this time he was cuddled up with Braxton. Soon Braxton dozed off as well.
I took a picture and posted it.
"These boys love each other more than me and y/n and THATS IMPOSSIBLE!! Lol happy birthday Sammy boy"

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