21 ❅

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january 16th

hoseok's eyes flutter open, hearing the annoying sound of his alarm from his phone waking him up, he reaches out, exposing his bare arm to the cold air, to grab his phone off the bedside table, to stop the repeated ringing.

once he stops the alarm he turns around, realizing the younger was using him as a body pillow again, feeling his cheeks heat up he begins to play with taehyung's hair lightly to wake him up.

"hmm~" taehyung slurs, fluttering open one eye, quickly to close it again, pulling hoseok's waist tighter, feeling in the missing gap, making hoseok's face flush with red.

"t-tae wake up, we have school today," hoseok says lowly, continuing to play with taehyung's hair thinking it's waking him up when actually it's making it easier for the younger to drift back to sleep.

taehyung shifts himself to get more comfortable, not letting go of the oldest waist, "can't we just skip school today?" taehyung slurs, not wanting to get out of his current position.

hoseok sighs letting go of taehyungs locks, making taehyung unnoticeably frown, "i wish we could but you have to show the dance teacher that you have gotten better at the routine," hoseok smiles tapping taehyungs arms lightly, making taehyung finally let go and groan, "fine~ but in going into the shower first."

'good job taehyung, you made an excellent improvement' taehyung smiles hearing the professor's praise playing over and over in his head, as he walks to his locker.

you want to know who's the most beautiful person in this world? read the first sentence.
~i will tell you who i am soon~

taehyung puts the note with he others, happy he'll finally figure out who anonymous is but that's the least of his worries now, all the blond is worrying about is when he should kiss hoseok today.

"i'm going to confess soon, it seems to like me back," hoseok states to jimin who is frowning.

"that means i'll have to stop writing the notes, they were so much fun to write," the younger pouts, walking hoseok to his locker, hoseok happy that everyone else is still in class since hoseok's physics teacher and jimin's history teacher let them out early.

hoseok laughs at his friend before opening his locker, grabbing his maths textbook to stuff in his backpack, soon grabbing his coat and putting it on, jimin leaving off after telling hoseok he's going to his own locker.

hoseok gets ready to walk off when he gets pushed lightly on the lockers, taehyung's left arm pushed against them, before he lifts up hoseok's chin kissing him gently before pulling away, clicking his tongue lightly seeing hoseok shocked expression, hoseok still not kissing him back, soon smirking seeing he caused the older to blush.

taehyung removes his hand from of the metallic object and puts it into the older's hand, "i don't think i told you this enough today, but you look really cute in my clothing," taehyung continues to smile walking himself and hoseok to his car, taehyung smiling probably going to ask hoseok to spend another night at his house so he can have a body pillow to cuddle up with.

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