I swiftly elbowed the zombie behind me hard in the jaw, making him loosen his grip on me before I swung around and stabbed his forehead, the blood bursting out and covering half of my chest. I ignored the intent smell of metalic blood and kicked the zombie's chest, throwing him away. The next two came at me and I pressed the button to turn my knife into a katana before running towards them.

Swipe to the left, swipe to the right, duck, dodge, kick, punch, stab. Blood burst everywhere with every move I made. I spilled blood and torn flesh like it was nothing. I seriously didn't feel the tiniest hint of regret for my actions. I had crossed the line, but hell, I fucking liked it. I used to think that zombies are just helpless people that had lost their humanity and turned into animals, but seriously after everything we've been through, I couldn't give a fuck less.

Just when I killed the last one, a loud noise of a glass door breaking was heard, making me turn my head and see many zombies screaming as they tried to fit through the small gap they had created. Panting, I thought of what I could do. I knew I could win time and kill them all, but it was too dangerous if I stayed in here any longer, since the loud noise will bring more and more zombies, and I might regret staying up here.

I ran towards them and pushed a desk in front of the glass doors, hoping this will keep them back for a bit longer. I also stabbed a few in the heads, mouths and throats, spreading blood everywhere. Their screams were too loud and too disturbing, but I payed no attention. I was going to protect the boys no matter what.

Suddenly another loud noise was heard, making me jump. I swung around, only to have my jaw touching the ground when I saw that the zombies had circled me and had broken another glass door, only that from that one they could all fit through.

"Shit..fuck.." I hissed, tightening my grip on my katana. I ignored the dull ache on my muscles with every move I made and the coughing that followed every time I jumped or climbed over a desk or did a backflip. I fought like I was possessed. I fought for the sake of my life and the boys' lives.

A strong pain on my back hit me like a truck, making me hiss as I was about to hide behind a desk. I kneeled down and gritted my teeth, trying to ignore the pain as fast as possible as the zombies ran towards me. Blood, which was not mine, streamed down my skin and soaked my clothes, making me feel disgusted of my own self.

I tried to stand up but the pain on my back hit me hard again, making me groan. I could hear the footsteps coming closer and the rush in their hungry screams as they were about to reach me. I clenched my jaw and held back the tears as I grabbed the chair for support to pull myself on my feet.

A hand grabbed my hair, making alarms ring in my mind. Fury immidiately grew within, making me pick up the chair and swing around, slamming it against the zombie's hrad, causing him to fall hard down on the floor, dropping two more zombies with him.

Ι immidiately ran towards the elevator, feeling my lower back ache terribly. I stepped inside and pressed the button repeatedly, panic flooding through me as I watched at the zombies come at me. The elevator doors thankfully closed right before they managed to step inside, sending a massive wave of relief through me. I leaned against the wall and panted, my back hurting horribly.

I could feel my body slowly giving up on me and I knew we were running out of time. Once the doors opened, I had two guns aiming at my head and two pair of startled eyes staring at me. "Claire - what the-,"

"Are you okay?!" Thomas said, eyes wide, cutting Niall off.

"They broke in.." I panted, wiping my forehead.

"Shit." Niall hissed, stabbing the zombie he was holding down in the eye. The zombie's head fell back and blood poured all over the floor.

"We gotta help Zayn and Louis before they circle them." I gushed, feeling guilty for leaving my floor, but really, I had no other option. "We better all move to the second third floor."

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