Chapter 53

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~•~ Chapter 53 ~•~

“Okay, but how many fucking times this woman will change her plans literally the last minute?” Louis grumbled, throwing a paperball in the trash as he walked by.

“She has a plan in her mind, let her show it to us step by step.” Liam answered cooly as he walked by my side.

“Can I show her how much I hate her?” Niall asked, sitting on the wheelchair Zayn was pushing.

“And then, she'll show you how much she hates you.” Liam replied easily.

“Not that she cares, she knows that everyone here hates her, except from Harry.” Louis said, making my stomach knot.

“Anyways, let her do her fucking tests so we can be done with her for today. The sooner we are done, the better.” Chris said from behind me.

“Chris, that was actually the best thing you have said since I have known you.” Louis said, turning to look at Chris. Everyone laughed, including me, but the anxiety in the pit of my stomach was already pissing me off.

“You still haven't said anything good since I have known you, though.” Chris shot back, making us laugh again. I was glad they tried to cheer everyone up, and that Chris was trying to move on.

Louis smirked. “My actions speak louder than my words, my friend.” he said, causing me and Liam to echo a long “ooh”.

“We'll see that today then.” Chris winked and I finally saw a smile that didn't seem that forced on his face.

“What do you think she will make us do today?” Thomas asked, walking by Chris' side.

“Push ourselves to the point of dying.” Louis answered flatly.

“That doesn't sound good.” I muttered.

“What did you expect from a woman like her?” Zayn asked, turning to look at me.

“Everything.” I answered honsetly.

He chuckled. “Remember, we don't attack her, okay?” He teased.

“No promises.” I chuckled, shaking my head.

We finally reached the back yard of this hideout and the cold wind hit me immidiately. I've never been out here, but it looked nice. It was basically a training area, and it even had a basketball stadium a bit farther. My eyes roamed through the soldier out here, not really recognising them. Then, I saw Harry, talking to Casey nearby a table with some energy drinks. Something hit me in the gut at the sight of these two together.

“Let's get this over with, lads. Don't die.” Chris urged.

Louis scoffed and we finally reached our two leaders. Well actually, Harry was my only leader. Casey was just a bitch that gave orders and had eyes for my boyfriend. In general, a bitch.

They both turned to look at us, but Harry's eyes had a hint of amusement in those green irises, instead of Casey, that seemed bored and careless in the moment, as if we had ruined a great moment for her. Too bad. She ruined our peace in this hideout, I don't care if I ruined her chance to hit on Harry.

“Good morning.” Louis greeted kindly in a very obvious fake way.

“At least you're not late.” She cocked a brow, her eyes scanning us all from head to toe. “Well, I'll see how far you can all go. Shooting, running, climbing, fighting.” She said, gaining a nod from Liam and Zayn. “Warm up first, we start in ten minutes.” She clapped her hands. “Let's go.”

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