"What if I get pregnant?" His eyes widened and mouth dropped.

"Be safe and you should be just fine. Make sure he wears a condom and don't let him empty himself inside you or around your.... y'know. If any does go in, don't douche, don't try to clean it out, don't do any of that cause it could just push it up into your uterus to fertilize one of your eggs."

"So what do I do?"

"I always keep morning after pills in mine and your dad's medicine cabinet. If you need them, come see me, okay?" I told him.

"Why can't I just get them myself?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Because I wanna know when you take them and how many. Just in case they don't work, I wanna know the date it happened, got me? Don't take any without my consent, okay?" He nodded.

"Can I still get pregnant? With me being on testosterone and everything, I'd think that it would cause problems and/or complications."

"I don't know, but don't chance it." I said.

We talked a little while longer about that subject then moved on.

"What you up to today?" He asked me.

"Well, since your dad is working, I was gonna get some cardio in and try to get back to my original weight before you and your brother were born."

"How much is the difference?" He asked.

"Not sure, but I miss my toned body." I lifted my shirt and looked down at my stomach.

"Seriously, Pop? You're not even fat!"

"No, but I had a 6 or 8 pack before I put on over 50 pounds with you two!" I flicked my eyebrows.

"Okay, but that was almost 18 years ago."

"So... What's your point?" I asked.

"So.... Why didn't you work out more after you had us?"

"Because everyone was busy. Wade took missions and I always had one of you, if not both, on my hip! I couldn't work out and watch you two at the same time."

"There was how many people at the tower? Not one of them could watch us while you-"

"I don't think you understand how much of a hassle you two were. If your brother wasn't peeing in a plant, you'd disappear on us! Since you were so damn quiet all the time, no one knew you were gone!"

"Then you get one person for each of us, why's that so hard?"

"Honey, I don't know if you realized this or not, but your brother had super strength and you had my spider sense. You could sense when something was going to happen; like if someone was going to get you, you could avoid it. You could sense stuff and Dustin was already more powerful than Steve before even turning 1. You both got your powers from me and I was the only one that could handle them."

"Our powers manifested themselves that early?"

"Sadly, yes. You also recieved Wade's accelerated healing factor. So, if anything bad happened and you got hurt, it would be gone within the hour."

"Don't you have one too?"

"Yeah, but his is much more powerful."

"Oh, okay."

"Wanna come work out with me?" I asked as I got off the bed.

"Nah, since it's just gonna be me by myself, I'm gonna call Apples over and have a little end of the year fun." He smiled at the thought.

Gender Swap: A Spideypool StoryWhere stories live. Discover now