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* About a month later *

I had just gotten into my empty bed after a night of patrols with Steve since Wade was on another mission. I turned on the massage settings in my suit.

"You sure you don't want to stay in your old room back at the tower?" Steve asked.

"Nah, I'm good."


"Yeah, I'm used to being alone while Wade's out on a mission."

"Oh-kay, if you need anything or something happens, you know where to call. Get some sleep, Peter." He tucked me in and kissed my head as I started falling asleep.

"Night, Steve." I told him.

"Good night, Peter."

Steve let himself out and I went to sleep.

A couple hours later, I woke up and the whole area where my crotch was was soaked in some type of liquid while I was in a great deal of pain.

"Oh fuck! Oh fuck! What's going on?!" I screamed to myself.

I grabbed my phone and dialed dads number, hoping he'd pick up on the first try.

"Huh?" I got from the other side.

"Dad! Need help! Contractions! Ah! Fucking hurts!" I cried into the phone while my breathing was heavily scattered.

"Pete? Wha- what time is it?" He groggily asked.

"I don't give a fuck what time it is! These babies are on their way and they ain't waitin for no one!"

"Babies? Wha- Oh! Oh god! You're going into labor?!" Dad asked.

"YES!!!" I yelled.

"Oh! O-okay! Just hang in there, Pete! We're on our way to pick you up right now!" I could hear shuffling in the background.

"Just hurry! Please!" I whined.

I hung up and tried to stay calm but I was TERRIFIED! I had no clue what I should do! Thankfully, dad did.

I heard the door open and running towards mine and Wade's room.

"Pete?!" Dad called.

"Dad, get my bag." I told him as Steve gently helped me out of the bed.

"Easy there, buddy. Take it nice and slow." Dad told me.

Steve helped he get my breathing on track in the back seat of the car until we got to the tower.

When we got there, Steve carried me to the elevator and down to the lab.

He carried me into one of the medical rooms then laid me in the bed that's headboard was against the wall and had equipment on one side of the bed. It was already set up for someone going into labor.

"Put your feet up here and let's get you into something more comfortable." Dad took off my suit and put me in a gown.

"Steve, please call Wade. Tell him I need him." I asked.

"Right away." He went out if the room and called him. "It's gonna be a little while, he said he was up in Maine."

"Tell him to make Jack teleport him to me! I don't know how long until the babies are gonna be here!"

He stepped back out.

"He's getting ahold of him now." Steve came back in.

"You're not dilated enough yet, Pete. It might be a little until the babies arrive. While I wait with him, you get ahold of the rest of the team and tell them what's going on." Dad ordered. Steve nodded and did as told in the waiting section outside of the room.

Gender Swap: A Spideypool StoryWhere stories live. Discover now