Teaching Ap some magic

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Cold November wind blew my hair and played with trash blowing it in circles. We were all enjoying walking around city with no worries. Then a certain girl remembered she forgot her phone..*groan*

"April let me help, where did you left your phone?" Maybe I could use my powers. I'm lazybutt.

"On my desk in my room, why?" She said as I sighed and closed my eyes while putting my hand on my head and other in front of me.

I focused on her phone and soon it flew right in my hand.

"How did you..."

"Goes with that kraang part." I said in monotone voice as I gave her her phone.

"You have to teach me that!" Maybe, in that vision she did use that power. So better teach her, even if it means I am one step closer to death.

"Yea, sure, when we are at lair."  I didn't want anyone to see us doing "magic".

*Timy skipy to lair because I have want to*

"Okay April mimic me and concentrate on that cup." I said as I concentrated myself and got one next to it. "See that is how you do it, picture the cup in your head and concentrate." Cup moved a little and fell on the floor, lucky us it didn't contain water.

I sensed Mikey behind my back trying to throw water balloons at us. I pictured all the balloons and freeze them in place with telekinesis. Mikey pouted, than I unfroze them and made them go at Mikey. Mikey gulped as he was hit with his waters. His clothes were soaked so he went to Donnie so nerdy turtle would tell him what to do.

"Try again Ap, it's easy, you just have to picture it."

I had one of Mikey's water balloons behind my back and I was willing to use it on April. I threw the balloon and she made it freeze in place!!! Yes!!! My work here is done.

"You did it April!!! Now try with a cup"she tried and she did it!! Yea gurl!! Here I go Death!!!

"I did it!!!" Than she showed her new power to everyone*groans*.

We had a nice day today. I hope there will be more days like this.

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