Meanings and voices

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I was with Donnie all day and it was really great. I'm trying to help him as much as I can with his problem. I think that if we all support him he could get better. Of course I can't tell his secret which makes it more difficult... *Le sigh*. My gaze fell on my et-watch, it showed 11pm. Perfect time to see Don. I transformed into Clary turtle form and ran to our usual meeting spot.

I saw him talking? Nope, I don't see et-phone nor do I sense anyone near us.

"Stop being so positive! Can you just shut up?! I'm useless, I don't deserve anyone and I am sure I'm idiotic freak!!!"

"Ugh... Don?"

"Clary! Um, h-hi! H-how are you?" What's up with him?! His usual flirty self is stuttering?! What in the world?!

"Who were you talking to? I can't sense anyone that is near us."

"Ugh... Et-phone?" It came out more as a question than answer.

"Your et-phone is in your back pocket, so now tell me the truth or I could just go in your mind and find it by myself which could be painful."

"Ugh... It was the voice...." I froze at the spot and he slowly stood up. "Ever since I met you I started hearing them. They aren't bad..." His voice trailed off.

"What are they telling you?" I said shakily while trying not to give anything away.

"He is telling me I have a purpose, that I should ditch Shredder and become good, that I useful, that I deserve you, that I am not just a mutant freak opsessed with science, that I should never give up and that my brothers love me, I mean for real! We weren't taught how to love, just hate.... It's just weird feeling... I never heard anything like that from anyone, you did kind of show me that, but you have never said that directly."

I hugged him tightly, crying a bit. Not sad tears, but happy ones, ones of relief that he doesn't have bad voices which in his case would lead to certain death.

"H-how does that voice sound?"

"A lot like mine, just way nicer and softer." My mind raced and than it clicked.

"Donnie..." The word slid down my tounge as quit as the cat's paw steps.


"Nothing... I just might have idea whose voice it is."

"You said Donnie, what about me?"

"Not you. But other Donatello, good one has voice in his head too, just his is bad. I didn't ask him what his sounds like. Maybe you just hear each other's voices as you argue with other one. And I think your voice is right, you are useful, beautiful, and incredible intelligent person. Of course you have a purpose, we all do, your brothers love you for sure, we can't be taught how to love, we know that from day one. Just believe that voice, ok?"


"Let's leave this for tomorrow and now heal that giant scar made by kusarigama."

He smiled as he sat down and transformed into human so I can treat his wounds better.

*Le time skip*

Battle was in full mode inside some old abandoned factory. Everyone against everyone. Winner gets everything and loser dies. Battle that will end up badly. Kraang, foot and hamato warriors. Really tight. Evil vs good, darkness vs light... And so on.

"Stop! Don't hurt him!!!"

"(Y/N)! Move away!!! I have to kill him!!!"

"Move away (Y/N)! This will end within seconds, I can't let him kill my family."

Story of nerds [Donnie x reader]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ