Professor! How Could You Hide This?

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Cedric's P.O.V

"She'll be okay?! Won't she?! She'll wake up, right?!" I pleaded as I held my fiancé in my arms tightly. Madame Pomfrey sighed as she moved closer to my (Y/N).
"She should be fine but I should take a look at her, just to be safe. Why don't you set her down on that bed, over there," Madame Pomfrey replied as she gestured to a cot.  I sighed as I carried my beautiful girl over to the bed and set her down, gently.
"Please tell me she'll be alright!" I begged as I held (Y/N)'s hand in my own. Madam Pomfrey bustled over to her bedside and applied a cool cloth to her head.
"She'll be fine, Mr. Diggory! She'll be fine! But I'm going to ask you to kiss her. What I saw when she kissed your cheek after you were burned by that dragon leads me to believe that you are each other's best remedy" Madame Pomfrey replied.
I nodded as I shifted closer to my darling girl. I inhaled sharply as I leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. As soon as I pulled back, (Y/N) jolted upright, gasping for air. I exhaled in relief as I pulled her into my arms and held her to me.
Pulling back, she gripped my face in her shaking hands and kissed me again passionately. I set a hand on her cheek to steady her as she moved her soft lips against mine. I pulled back and helped her onto my lap as I took the towel off of her head just as the doors to Hospital Wing flew open abruptly, revealing Professor Dumbledore.
"Ms. Middlebrook? Are you alright?" Dumbledore exclaimed as he ran over to (Y/N). She wrapped her arms around me and buried her face into my sweater. I held her closely as I rubbed her back and kissed her softly.
"Baby? My love? Sweetheart? Are you okay?" I whispered softly into my girl's ear as she clung to my torso tightly. She wasn't acting like herself but I couldn't expect her to. Not after the news she just got.
"No! He's going to find us and he's going to kill us!" She shouted as Dumbledore sank into a chair next to the bedside. I bit my lip unsure of what to say.
"Ms. Middlebrook, I can assure you that you we have Ministry search teams, hunting your father as we speak!" Dumbledore tried to reason as (Y/N) began to sob. I held her closer, trying to comfort her.
"How long? How long as he been out?" (Y/N) growled as she held me tightly, making me inhale sharply. I stroked her hair gently as Professor Dumbledore sighed. What was he hiding from us?
"Since Christmas," Our Professor replied as (Y/N) began to sob harder and shake more violently as I tried to calm her down. I shook my head in disbelief.
"Professor? How could you hide this?" I asked in shock as Dumbledore sighed. (Y/N) inched closer to me, practically begging me to make everything better.
"At the time he escaped, it wasn't clear wether it was true or not. And on top of that, you had just gotten engaged. That's not news you want to break to a bride-to-be when she has enough on her shoulders," Dumbledore replied as he stared at (Y/N) in concern. She sighed as she pulled away from me and raked her hands through her hair.
"Listen, Matt isn't to know about this and I want extra protection around this school and around my family," (Y/N) demanded as Dumbledore nodded slowly.
"Of course! We will make sure that nothing happens to you or your family! Your safety is our number one priority! Don't worry about anything but your upcoming wedding and I believe Mr. Diggory has an upcoming task in a few days, yes?" Dumbledore replied as (Y/N) nodded and shook his hand.
As soon as Dumbledore had disappeared, (Y/N) exhaled tiredly and slumped back onto the pillows.
"Talk to me," I whispered as I laid down nest to her and let my hands wander over her stomach lovingly.
"I'm just worried that he's going to come after you! Or Matt! But I trust that Dumbledore will keep you safe. I don't want to think about him or worry about what could happen right now," She sighed as she laid her hands over mine, closing her eyes.
"It'll be alright, my love! I promise! Don't worry about it! Besides, we have the second task to prepare for!" I replied as I remembered my upcoming task.
"Yeah, about that, I have to help Professor McGonagall with an important project and I won't be finished until a few moments before your task," (Y/N) replied sadly as she massaged my biceps.
All I could do was stare up at the ceiling in complete shock.
"You'll be alright without me," (Y/N) reasoned as her fingers moved over my arms in an effort to soothe my muscles. I shook my head, continuing to stare into space.
"I don't know, baby! I don't know! You're always there to keep me steady when I lose my head in this sea of chaos, they call life!" I replied as I raked my hands through my curls. (Y/N) sat up as she leaned over me and brushed my hair out of the way.
"Look at me! I promise that you will be just fine without me! I promise! I promise that you will perform just as well without me! And I promise that when I get back, I will be cheering you on louder than you could ever imagine!" (Y/N) whispered as she kissed my forehead softly.
"Okay! If you say so, my love! And I promise you that I will try as hard as I can to make you proud of me! I promise!" I replied as pulled her chin down to meet mine, kissing her firmly and passionately.
"Aw! Ced! You don't need to make that promise! I'll be proud of my loving fiancé no matter what the outcome is! All I need to know is that you tried your best! Now, can we please go back to our room, baby?"

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