No One Insults My Team!

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              First practice of the season! You couldn't wait. You were going to push your team harder than any team had ever been pushed. You were going to win. You had to win.
               Terence hadn't been too happy about his change in position, but he got over it. Especially after Lucius Malfoy had delivered 7 brand new Nimbus 2001's the very next day. There was no way Gryffindor would win now. It just wasn't possible. You wouldn't allow it.
               As you led your team down the corridors, brooms in hand, people from all houses stopped to stare. Many of the gasped, whispered, and pointed at your new broomsticks. You smirked to yourself, taking in all of their shocked expressions. You strutted towards the field, the parchment crunching, as you gripped it tighter and tighter.
               You came to a stop in the middle of the pitch, just as Oliver Wood marched over to your team. His eyes were ablaze with pure rage. You held in the urge to sneer at his team, dressed in the scarlet and gold that represented, Gryffindor. You looked Wood in the eye and smirked innocently. He sneered, gnashing his teeth. He was mad now.
               "What are you doing here, Middlebrook? I booked the pitch for Gryffindor!" You let out a short bark of laughter, causing Oliver's anger to boil.
               "Relax, Wood! I've got a note," you replied, thrusting the piece of parchment into his face. He snatched it out of your hand and read it aloud, still seething.
               "'I, Severus Snape, hereby give the Slytherin Team permission to use the Quidditch field today, owing to the need to train their new seeker.'" Wood looked up in disbelief. He shook his head, scanning your face. You couldn't help but smirk.
               "You read my note. Now get off my field," you snapped. Several of the Gryffindors glared at you, but you weren't in the mood for wasting time. Time was precious.
               "You've got a new seeker? Who?" Wood asked, still in shock. You rolled your eyes, but your team split itself down the middle, revealing a small platinum blonde. Draco Lucius Malfoy. He smirked as Harry Potter's mouth fell open.
               "Aren't you Lucius Malfoy's son?" Fred asked. A scowl balancing on his lips. He glanced at you with a look of utter betrayal.
               "Funny you should mention Draco's father," Adrian spoke up. This made your entire team smile a bit broader. Including you. Adrian gave Wood a maniacal smirk. "Let me show you the generous gift he's given the Slytherin team. Nice of him, huh?"
               Your team held out their brooms. The Nimbus 2001 logo gleamed brightly in the sunlight. The Gryffindors all stared in disbelief. Your smile grew even wider. If these brooms and a new Seeker didn't guarantee you a win, you didn't know what would.
               "Oh look. A field invasion," you commented, lazily. Everyone turned to see a red-headed boy and a bushy-haired girl making their way onto the pitch. They were followed closely by a blonde kid, carrying a camera. You scowled. More time was being wasted. You didn't have much patience left. How much longer could this go on?
               "What's going on? Why aren't you playing? And why is he here?" The red haired boy asked Harry, as he gestured to Draco. You assumed him to be, Ronald Weasley. The twins had mentioned having a younger brother. Draco stepped forward, sneering. You shot a backward glance at your brother, who was now one of Slytherin's new Beaters, but all he did was shrug and smile smugly.
               "I'm the new Slytherin Seeker, Weasley! Your team was just admiring the new brooms my father bought for us," Draco replied smugly. Ronald's mouth fell open, causing Draco's smile to widen. You rolled your eyes.
               "At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in! They got in on pure talent!" Everyone turned to the bushy-haired girl. You recognized her as Hermione Granger. Draco and Matt had complained about her, nonstop. And now you were starting to understand why. Your anger boiled. Was she insulting your team? Was she questioning your team's talent? That did it. You had enough of this crap. You were done playing around.
               You lunged at her, ready to throw a pretty hard punch. But Terence caught you in his arms before you could pummel her into a pulp. Terence kept a firm grip on you as he set you back on the ground. No one insulted your team. No one. Every Slytherin's smile quickly turned to a wicked sneer. If you weren't okay with this no one was.
               "No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood," Draco spat. The pitch erupted in chaos. The Gryffindor team began to shout in protest as the Slytherins sneered in their faces. You didn't agree with what Draco had said but you couldn't say anything. Not when someone could tell your father. Adrian quickly stepped in front of Malfoy to keep Fred and George from jumping on top of him. Wood held them back, just barely.
               Ronald stepped forward, his face just as red as his hair. You looked at him confused, as he whipped out a severely broken wand. "You'll pay for that one Malfoy! Eat slugs!" He shouted. Everyone held their breaths as Ronald fired the spell. A green light flashed, but it didn't hit Draco. Instead Ronald was on the ground, vomiting slugs.
               Your face contorted into a look of disgust as the rest of your team howled with laughter. You averted your eyes. Before anything else could be said Harry and Hermione rushed Ronald of the field as quickly as they had come. The rest of the Gryffindor team scowled as the marched past you. But the little blonde boy stopped directly in front of you. Your team sneered. You looked down at him, eying his Gryffindor robes.
               "Wow! You're (Y/N) Middlebrook! I heard you were the most vicious team captain Slytherin has ever seen! All of the Gryffindors talk about how terrible you are! What do you have to say about what just happened?" He asked, as a bright flash appeared in front of your face. Your team frowned behind you.
               "NO ONE INSULTS MY TEAM!" You growled, shoving the small boy aside. He stumbled back, eyes wide with fear. Your team mounted their brooms and set off for another long practice. This was going to be another intense season.

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