You're No Longer Safe!

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Dumbledore set the letter down on his desk as he stared you in shock. You shook your head and turned around, burying you face into your boyfriend's bare chest. You bit your lip, trying to hold back tears as Cedric wrapped his strong arms around you.
"What are we going to do, Sir? We can't let her keep living like this! I know we've found other ways to keep her away from her father over the Holidays but what about during the school year? And what about Matthew? And Mrs. Middlebrook?" Terence asked fearfully. Dumbledore sighed heavily as you pressed your cheek against your boyfriend.
"We need to execute a plan carefully. I've never seen a situation quite so dangerous. Ms. Middlebrook. You're no longer safe," Dumbledore whispered. A warm tear hit Cedric's chest as you began to realize what the headmaster was saying. You were going to die. There was no doubt about it.
"When has she ever been safe?! He father has always been a threat to her! There has to be something we can do! We're not going to sit here and watch her suffer! We're her family! She's got five brothers who care about her! And a boyfriend who's entire life centers around her. Headmaster, we're not letting anything happen to her!" Adrian cried in determination.
Terence and Cedric nodded their agreements as Cedric held you closer to his chest. You knew that as long as you had your boys nothing would happen. Dumbledore sighed again as he sat on his desk in defeat. What was he going to say?
"Boys, we're going to do everything we can to keep the Middlebrook family safe! What we need to do is forge a letter to get Mrs. Middlebrook out of her home and then we will go after Mr. Middlebrook. We'll go to the Minister of Magic, himself," Dumbledore replied solemnly.
"What if he comes after her? What then? We have to make sure she and her brother are safe here! We have to keep her safe while she's here!" Cedric exclaimed as he stepped forward. He kept his arms wrapped protectively around your shoulders. You leaned into him tiredly.
Dumbledore stared at your boyfriend in confusion as he looked him up and down. You watched as the Headmaster held in a laugh as a look of amusement swept over his features. You didn't see what was so funny. "Mr. Diggory? Where's your shirt?"
Cedric glanced down at his bare chest and averted his eyes in embarrassment as
Terence and Adrian snickered. You bit your lip, holding back a laugh of your own. You pulled your boyfriend into your arms as you laughed lightly. Cedric scowled as he blushed even redder. "I think you may have forgotten something, Ced!"
"I seem to have forgotten it when I rushed out. I was too worried about my baby girl that I didn't realize. Forgive me, Sir, for my indecency," Cedric replied as he continued to blush a tomato red.
"I see! I will pardon you this time, Mr. Diggory! But next time you come for a visit, please remember all of your clothes!" Dumbledore chuckled as your boyfriend nodded. "As for our problem dealing with your father I will send your mother a letter under an alias telling her to report to her sister's home and not tell your father. From there we will get Cornelius Fudge involved and until then you and your brother shall be escorted everywhere."
"Thank you, Headmaster! I trust that Matt and I are safe in your hands. I honestly cannot thank you enough for what you've done!" You exclaimed. Dumbledore smiled and nodded.
"It's my pleasure Ms. Middlebrook! I've grown quite a liking to you lately! You and entourage! Now, rest assured! Please, go get a good night's sleep and don't worry about a thing! Also, please help your boyfriend to find some proper clothing!"
You laughed as you pulled Cedric out of Dumbledore's office. You and half of your posse walked back to your dormitories in silence. You trusted the Headmaster and you hoped that his plan would work. You didn't want anything to happen to your family.
You said your goodnights to Adrian and Terence as you disappeared inside your own room as you collapsed onto your couch. You sighed as Cedric came up behind you and began massaging your shoulders gently.
"Do you feel any better, baby girl? Did going to see him help?" Cedric asked as his hands danced over the muscles in your shoulder blades. You nodded as you leaned back into him.
"Yes, I guess it did. I still have my doubts about his plan but it's the best we've got! I just want my family to be safe from that monster!" You replied.
"I'm glad that it helped! Don't worry your pretty little head about any of this! Everything'll work out! Why don't we get some rest?" Cedric asked as he reached over the couch and pulled you into his arms. You yawned as he carried you to the bed.
He climbed onto the mattress as he set you down next to him, slipping under the duvet. You smiled as you snuggled against him. His arms wound themselves around you as you buried yourself into his warm embrace. "By the way, regardless of what Dumbledore says, I thought you looked extremely handsome without a shirt, Ced!" You teased as you yawned again.
"You could've told me before we left! Or before we got there! I can't believe you let me embarrass myself like that!" Cedric exclaimed, yawning himself.
"But you looked so handsome! Besides, you made me laugh!" You sighed as your traced the muscles in your boyfriend's chest.
"I suppose that's all that matters then! As long as my princess is happy! Sleep well baby girl! I'm here to protect you! I love you so much, (Y/N) Grace Middlebrook! " Cedric whispered as he kissed your head softly, making you smile.
"I love you too, Cedric James Diggory! Goodnight! Try and get some sleep yourself instead of staying up and worrying about me too much!" You replied as you and your boyfriend fell into a deep sleep.

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