I'm Sorry But I'm Not Interested

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"(Y/N)! Baby! Are you almost done? We need to go! We have to be there for the Welcome Ceremony! Dumbledore wants us in the Great Hall fifteen minutes early!" Cedric shouted from the other side of the bathroom door as you shoved one last pin into your thick (H/C) hair.
"I'm coming! And there is no way that we have to leave right this second!" You replied as you straightened your dress and stepped out of the bathroom. Cedric stood near the window, his back to you, as he combed out his taffy colored curls and fastned his belt tightly around his waist.
You cleared your throat as he turned around to face you, his mouth falling agape. You walked toward him and set your palms on his chest. He smiled as he stared at you in complete disbelief. You smiled back at him as you placed a soft fleeting kiss on his lips. He wrapped a strong arm around your waist as you pulled back and began to button up his black dress shirt.
"You look absolutely stunning! I'm sure that you're the most beautiful Head Girl this school has ever seen!" Cedric sighed as he continued to stare at you with admiration. You averted your eyes and stared down at your white lace dress. The hem of the skirt stopped a few inches above your knees and the sleeves fell elegantly around your wrists.
"And you're the most handsome! But you're right, we have to go!" You exclaimed as you helped fasten his white bow tie around his neck. He smiled and kissed you quickly. You smirked as he grabbed your hand and began to lead you down to the Great Hall. You laughed as you did your best to keep up with him.
You ran down the stairs as Cedric pulled you faster. You shook your head as you sturggled to keep you balance.
"Should we walk in together?" Cedric asked, grasping your hand in his as he rubbed gentle circles into your knuckles. You bit your lip thoughtfully but nodded.
"Yes, becuase no one else will be there besides the teachers and the House Prefects. But we're the Heads so it won't raise any suspicion. Here, give me your arm, we shouldn't hold hands," You replied as Cedric offered you his arm.
You nodded as he pushed open the doors to the Great Hall and began to walk towards the front of the room. Dumbeldore smiled as you greeted him politely.
"The rest of the students should be arriving soon and then the students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, shortly after that. They will come to the front and I will greet their headmaster or mistress. I will then introduce our Head Boy and Girl and you are expected to give a small welcoming speech," Dumbledore concluded as you glanced at Cedric nervously.
Cedric bit his lip as he squeezed your arm reassuringly. No one ever said anything about a welcoming speech. You shifted your weight uncomfortably as the rest of the school began to pile into the Great Hall. Cedric released your arm but didn't move away.
"Please give a warm welcome to the lovely ladies of Beauxbatons Academy and their Headmistress Madame Maxime!" Dumbledore exclaimed as the doors to the Great Hall flew open. In the doorway stood thirty girls, dressed elegantly, in powder blue dresses. They walked gracefully towards the staff table followed closely by a woman who was at leas ten feet tall.
All the boys gaped at the young women, with drool practically running down their chins. You had to admit that they were beautiful, with their long legs, perfect hair, and beautifully set facial features but it was ridiculous that every boy in the Great Hall was head over heels for the young women. Almost every boy. Cedric had turned away from the crowd and had focused all his attention on staring at you intently.
"What are you doing?" You whispered as the girls continued to make their way down the long pathway. Cedric smiled as he continued to stare at you.
"My friends had told me that when the girls from Beauxbatons arrived I was to stare at the prettiest girl in the room and maybe she'd notice me! So that's exactly what I'm doing!" Cedric replied as he looked down at you lovingly. You couldn't help but smile as Dumbledore greeted the giant woman. The girls from Beauxbatons smiled at you as they passed, each of their teeth glowing a pearly fluorescent white.
"Yes! Welcome ladies! And now please put your hands together for the Proud Sons of Durmstrang and their Headmaster Igor Karkaroff!" Dumbledore yelled as the doors once again flew open to reveal thirty strong built boys and a man with a thick beard.
They stomped to the front of the Hall but one boy in particular, stood out to you. Viktor Krum went to Durmstrang? You shook your head as you shifted closer to Cedric. Dumbledore smiled as he shook hands with Karkaroff and gestured to the other side of the platform.
"Welcome! We are all extremely excited to have you here for the competition of a lifetime and we hope that you enjoy your stay! But without further ado, I'd like to introduce our Head Boy and Girl, Mr. Cedric Diggory and Ms. (Y/N) Middlebrook. They would like to say a few words in welcoming our newest arrivals to Hogwarts!" Dumbledore exclaimed.
You looped your arm through Cedric's as you walked toward the podium. What in the hell were you supposed to say?
"Thank you, Professor! On behalf of our fellow Prefects as well as all of Hogwarts we want to say what an honor it is to have two of the best wizarding schools joining us for a competition that will go down in history! For many of us, we have the great privilege of calling Hogwarts our home but for those of you who find this place to be new and different, we are most excited to be the best hosts you could ask for! If your ever in any need of help please feel free to ask anyone of us and we'd be happy to assist! Thank you and please enjoy yourselves!" Cedric concluded as the audience applauded.
Dumbledore smiled and gestured for everyone to find a place to sit just as piles of food appeared on golden plates. The students cheered and began to dig into the feast. You were about to join your own table when young woman from Beauxbatons Academy ran up to greet you and your boyfriend. She blushed madly as her eyes landed on Cedric.
"Hello! I'm Fleur! Fleur Delacour! I wanted to zank you for welcoming us into your school wiz such open arms! It meanz so much to us zat you are so kind!" Fleur exclaimed as she set a pale hand on Cedric's other arm. You frowned deeply.
"It's nice to meet you Fleur! I'm Cedric! Cedric Diggory! And this is (Y/N) Middlebrook!" Cedric replied politely as the young woman looked you up and down.
"Yes! Yes! It is very nice to meet you Cedric! I have heard so much about you from the girls at zis school! Zey say zat you are incredibly talented but I can definitely see what zey meant when zey said zat you had looks to die for! Would you want to go on a date wiz me zis weekend? Maybe show me around ze school?" Fleur asked flirtatiously as she batted her eyelashes. She was obviously expecting him to jump at the chance to take her out.
You instantly tensed as Cedric smiled back and released your arm. He picked up her small hand and removed it from his bicep. He sighed and took a step back.
"Fleur! You seem like an amazing girl! And I would love to show you around school but not on a date of any sort! I'm sorry but I'm not interested! I have a girlfriend and I have to stay loyal to her! My heart is in her hands and I'm afraid I won't be taking it away and giving it to another girl any time soon! I'm sorry! I hope you enjoy your stay!" Cedric replied as Fleur gaped at him in shock before she regained her composure and stomped off in a flurry of rage and disappointment.
Cedric winked sent you an inconspicuous wink as he made his way towards the Hufflepuff table. You sighed as you headed in the opposite direction towards the Slytherin table. Something told you that Fleur wasn't going to give up on Cedric.

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