She Doesn't Even Know Diggory!

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                      Cedric's P.O.V

             McGonagall stared at us in disbelief. She shook herself out of the daze she was in and pulled Professor Dumbledore aside, speaking in hush tones. Terence bounced from one foot to the other, nervously.
             Someone cleared their throat from the corner of the room. All 5 of us turned in surprise. Fred and George smirked as we turned to find, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. I stepped forward, forcing a smile.
             "Potter, I wanted to apologize about the game a few weeks ago. I didn't realize what happened. I fell before you did and as soon as I heard, I tried to have the game rescheduled so it would be more fair. But Madam Hooch didn't think that was a good idea. I'm really-"
             "Yeah. It's okay. It doesn't really matter. (Y/N)'s the most important thing right now! You said you found her? Where?" Harry replied, anxiously. My smile fell and I exchanged nervous glances with Terence and Adrian. Terence cracked his knuckles menacingly.
             "How do you know about, (Y/N)? Who told you about that?" Terence snarled as he stepped forward. Hermione let out a squeak of fear as Terence stared them down.
             "Cut it out, Higgs! You're scaring them. They're just as worried about (Y/N/N) as we are," Adrian replied, yanking Terence back.
             Fred and George stepped forward, looking their younger brother up and down. Ron shifted uncomfortably. "What brings you here, Ronnie? Failing Transfiguration are you? Mother would be very displeased, right now!" Fred taunted, shaking his head, a look of mock disappointment crossing his features, as George snickered.
             "No! We heard about what happened to (Y/N) and we wanted to ask McGonagall!" Ron retorted angrily. Hermione stepped forward.
             "Cedric?" She asked quietly. I turned to face her, towering over her my at least 8 inches. She started up at me, biting her lip nervously. I winced. That was one of (Y/N)'s habits. God, I missed her so much. "Where's (Y/N)? You said you found her!"
             "I...Well...We think...We don't know for sure...I...Um...Well...We think she's in the Shrieking Shack..." I trailed off. Images of (Y/N) tied up in the run down building, flooded my mind. I needed to get to her. If she was even there to begin with.
             Ron opened his mouth to say something just as Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall came back. They looked at all of us, solemnly. "The faster we get to Ms. Middlebrook the better it'll be for all of us!" Dumbledore announced as Professor Snape slipped through the doors quietly.
             "We're ready, sir. Madam Pomfrey has a bed all set up and the house elves have fresh food in the oven. Have you decided who you're taking?" Snape asked, eyeing Harry suspiciously. Dumbledore nodded.
             "I was just getting there, Severus," Dumbledore replied. He turned back to us, his gaze landed directly on me. "I know that Ms. Middlebrook has a special place in all of your hearts! And I know that she's important to all of you in many different ways. It's been 3 months and the idea of finding her is eagerly welcomed. However, we can't all go and look for her. Not while Sirius Black is still out there. Therefore only 3 of you will be accompanying Professor McGonagall and I, as well as the 5 members of the Ministry in case we run into unwanted guests," Dumbledore finished.
             "We must be on our way! The longer that poor child's out there the more danger she could be in! Come on Diggory, Higgs, Pucey, we mustn't waste time!" Professor McGonagall ordered as she marched towards the door.
             "Wait! Professor! I think I should be able to go! (Y/N)'s my friend and well..." Harry paused looking at me. "...She doesn't even know Diggory! I mean he's a Hufflepuff! Don't you think it would be better to take someone she knows?"
             Anger coursed through my veins as I gnashed my teeth, my hands curling into fists. What the hell did he just say? Adrian and Terence stepped in forward to keep me from attacking Potter. Professor McGonagall shot Harry a stern glare.
             "And you're a Gryffindor! Houses have nothing to do with this discussion! And do you really think that it's a good idea for you to be going out to search for a girl who was kidnapped by a man who wants you dead? I think not." And with that she swept out of the room, Terence, Adrian and I following suit.
               "Calm down, Diggory! Just forget about it. Stupid git doesn't know what he's talking about. Take it as a good thing too! That shows you your secret's well kept," Terence whispered  as we made our way towards the entrance hall.
               "It just makes mo so angry! I miss her so much and hearing someone tell me that I don't know my own, baby makes me so mad!" Adrian sighed behind me.
               "Terence is right, Cedric. Just forget about it. (Y/N)'s only talked to Potter once and she'll smile at him in the corridors but they're not best friends or anything. The people who matter, know that you're the most important person in her life and that she only has eyes for you. Trust me!"
               I nodded, solemnly. They were both right. As long as (Y/N) and I knew that we loved each other then that was all that mattered. I walked towards the entrance hall, buzzing with anticipation. I just wanted to find my girl. Snape met me by the stairs, looking just as anxious as we all felt. He set a hand on my back. He handed me a velvet, emerald, green cloak. (Y/N)'s cloak. I held it in my hands, shaking fearfully.
               "If you find her then you'll need something to keep her warm. For your sake Diggory, yours and all of ours, I hope we find her," he whispered. I nodded again, shrugging on my own cloak as Dumbledore opened the door. The snow whipped violently into the hall. Adrian, Terence and I exchanged glances. We nodded at each other and rushed out into the cold. We were going to bring her home.

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