I Love You Idiots! All Of You!

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"I'm so sorry! I completely lost track of time and I tried to get back as soon as possible! We don't even have food or anything! I'm- Adrian? Where are Terence and Matt?" You asked as you barged into the Common Room to find Adrian alone, reading.
He smirked, making you wrinkle your nose in confusion. He laughed and set his book down, standing up and dragging you back towards the portrait hole. You shook your head, still trying to process what was happening. "Your boyfriend's quite the planner. But this is the Christmas you've had together, where you didn't have to pretend you didn't know each other or avoid making-out, so I suppose that's why he wants it to be so special. Anyway, Matt and Terence are already up there. Everything's been taken care of. Matt went and got the gifts to us from your room and you, my dear, just have to show up!"
You stood there stunned as Adrian continued to drag you towards the Astronomy Tower. You shook your head again, regaining control of you legs. You rushed up the stairs of the tower ready to see what your boyfriend had planned for you.
You reached the top of the stairs and gasped. A large picnic blanket was laid over the wooden boards of the floor. In the corner of the tower a Christmas Tree, bursting with ornaments, towered over piles and piles of gifts. Candles lit the room, giving the tower a comfortable glow. Terence was hunched over in the opposite corner fixing an old record player. Matt sat on the ground, staring at the turkey with hungry eyes and Cedric was pacing back and forth, nervously. He looked up at you and beamed, his arms open wide.
Matt jumped out of the way as you flung yourself into your boyfriend's safe embrace. He kissed the top of your head, holding you tightly. You pulled back and turned towards your baby brother. He looked at you unsurely but quickly threw his own arms around your waist. Terence and Adrian smiled as you stroked Matt's hair gently. "I missed you so much! I'm so glad you're okay! I was so worried that you wouldn't come back! I love you (Y/N)! But it's Christmas! So can we please eat now?" You laughed, letting go of him.
Adrian sat down next to Matt, with Terence next to them. You smiled as Cedric offered you his hand, leading you to a spot next to him, where he quickly wrapped a protective arm around your waist. You leaned against his shoulder as everyone began to eat. Adrian looked up his mouth full of turkey. "Aw! You guys are so cute! How was your day with Weasley 1 and Weasley 2, (Y/N/N)?" Adrian asked, his mouth full. You rolled your eyes, disgusted.
"First of all, don't talk with your mouth full! It's disgusting! And second of all, they have first names, call them Fred and George! And it was alright, I suppose. I pissed Oliver off again when he came over to talk to me. He still thinks his poor excuse of a team is going to win! The poor sap. Honestly, you think he would've learned by now. Fred and George gave me a bottle of invisible ink and some other stuff to prank people with. And I saw the Golden Trio. Harry asked to speak with me. He wanted to know about Sirius Black, but I didn't get to finish talking with him because I lost track of time and needed to get back here. So, I told him I'd go on the next Hogsmeade trip with him, so we could finish," you recounted. Next to you Cedric tensed, as he cracked his knuckles. Adrian mouthed the words don't and continued to stuff his face. Terence shook his head, and you turned to see Cedric close his mouth, as if he wanted to say something but was holding back.
"Oh! That's fun! I guess-" Adrian started, but Matt quickly choked down another gulp of food and cut Adrian off.
"But (Y/N/N)! Harry can't go to Hogsmeade! He didn't get his form signed, Malfoy and I overheard him telling McGonagall," Matt interjected. You shook your head, confused. Harry wouldn't have asked you if he wasn't able to go.
"I'm sure he got it taken care of or else he wouldn't have asked me to go with him. I have to admit I did think it was a bit odd that he wanted to go with me of all people but at the same time I understand where he's coming from. I mean if a mass murder were out to get me then I would want to know everything about them that I could," You stated thoughtfully.
You finished the last bit of your meal, sinking back into Cedric's ready embrace as Terence pulled out his wand, making the mess of dishes and what was left of your dinner disappear into thin air. Magic.
Cedric shifted so you were facing the tree. He, Adrian, Matt, and Terence were all beaming like idiots as they stared at you. You looked at them all, their stares beginning to make you uncomfortable. There was something you didn't know. "What's going on?"
Adrian and Terence chuckled as Cedric adjusted you on his lap. Matt bit his nails anxiously as Adrian and Terence disappeared behind the tree. You looked back at your boyfriend but he only smirked and kissed you lightly. You turned back towards the tree, just as your boys emerged with a large, narrow, package. They handed it to your carefully as you shot them questioning looks. You glanced at each of them and they nodded reassuringly.
You untied the bow and slid off the paper. A large wooden box sat on your lap, your name inscribed into the top. You lifted the lid and almost died. Inside, encased in emerald green velvet, was a broomstick. But not just any broomstick.
A Firebolt. Your boys had given you a Firebolt. You pulled it out of the box, examining the slim handle. The perfect twigs. The logo. Everything about the Firebolt was perfect. You looked up at your boys, tears in your eyes. Cedric squeezed your waist from behind, as if to ask if you liked your gift. You nodded, but all you could do was ask, "How?"
"Easy. When you went missing we knew we had to get you back. We didn't know how long it would take but we knew we'd find you. And we decided to get you a Homecoming present. So, we combined our money and Matt had your mom send him money. We, then gave all the money to Dumbledore and he agreed that we had a very good plan so he contributed a little as well. He was the one who went and bought it but it was our idea. We can't have the best Chaser in the world, riding an old Nimbus 2001, now can we?" Terence asked, smiling. Tears leaked out of your eyes as you set the broom back in the box, carefully. You pulled all 4 of them into a tight embrace as the chuckled softly, making you smile.
"We had the box specially made so you could store it in your room and not worry about getting it damaged. Cedric and I has a special touch added to the handle as well. Hope you don't mind, we thought it looked better like that," Adrian pointed out.
You sat back down on Cedric's lap as you picked up the broom again. You ran your hand over the smooth handle, finding small golden letters embossed into the wood. All Hail (Y/N) Middlebrook The Queen of Slytherin.
You laughed, despite your hatred for the nickname. This was the best Christmas you had ever had. You got to spend it with 3 of your 5 brothers and your boyfriend. And they had given you a broom most only dreamed about. You smiled. "I love you idiots! All of you! Honestly, thank you so much! Not only for this broom which I wish you wouldn't have spent so much money on, but for making this the best Christmas I've ever had!"

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