Kiss Me And Make Me Feel Better?

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You picked at your toast, watching as Adrian shoveled food into his mouth. How could he possibly eat that much? He glanced over at you and grinned. You rolled you eyes and turned back to your own food. Suddenly Terence plopped down across from you. You looked up only to find him covered in sweat. You grimmaced, finding that his knuckles were covered in blood. What the hell?
Your eyes were drawn to Fred who was also coated in a thick layer of glistening sweat. Something was off. But you couldn't put your finger on it. There was a missing puzzle piece. What was it? You're eyes scanned the room trying to find something that looked out of place. The doors opened to the Great Hall and you almost passed out from shock.
You were on your feet before your brain could process what the rest of your body was doing. Your (E/C) eyes never left his face as you rushed toward the entrance. You shot him a questioning look that he read easily. He nodded as he turned around and left the hall. You snagged an apple and a piece of toast off the nearest table. You paused near the door, scanning your surroundings. When you were sure no one was watching you pushed through the doors. And then you ran. You ran as fast as you possibly could in a desperate hurry to reach the astronomy tower. You took the stairs 2 at a time. He had to be okay.
Gasping for air, you reached the top of the astronomy tower. His arms were already open as you rushed into them. You pulled back, grasping his face in your hands. You ran your fingers over his features in quick, fleeting, panicky movements. He smiled against your fingers, wincing as he did. "Cedric? Baby? What happened? Please tell me that it's not what I think. Oh God!"
He averted his eyes and you let out a gasp of disbelief. You pulled him closer to you, finally noticing the dark circles that lined his eyes underneath all the cuts and bruises. "I'm so sorry (Y/N/N). I'm sorry you had to find out like this. I didn't want to tell you at all."
You caressed his cheek gently, kissing his chin. He closed his eyes, breathing in your scent, savoring every minute. "Aww baby don't be sorry. But if you're going to feel sorry for anyone, feel sorry for Higgs and Weasley."
His eyes popped open immediately, a deep scowl coating his handsome features. You grinned slightly. "Why in hell would I feel sorry for those gits?"
"Because they'll be in the infirmary for weeks after I'm done with them. They'll be lucky if they're still breathing. What happened Ced?" He sighed, biting his lip nervously.
"I was walking back from the astronomy tower when they just appeared. I think I kicked Higgs once in the thigh but I didn't really stand too much of a chance. We had a nice long chat." Your eyebrows knitted together in deep concern.
"You did? I'm going to guess it wasn't a civilized chat. Probably a lot of growling and sneering? What did you talk about?" He shot you a look as if to say like you don't know.
"You. We talked about you. They want me to stay away from you. Higgs especially. He told me I should break up with you because you had responsibilities and I couldn't be the only thing you thought about. He said you were becoming reckless and that our relationship was putting you in danger. Is that true?"
"No. Terence was mad because I was gone all night. He's got this twisted idea in his mind that I'm losing sight of the other responsibilities I have. Trust me, none of what he said is true. I had the same little chat with him this morning. It was more screaming than chatting but call it what you want.'re not going to break up with me are you?"
"Of course not! I would be insane to let you go again. I can't lose you (Y/N). Getting a few beatings is worth it if it means I get to hold on to..." He trailed of, letting out a big yawn. You smiled, hugging him to you.
"Did you get any sleep last night Ced?" He smiled slightly, but his eyes looked clouded by exhaustion. You ran your fingers through his curls, smoothing down his wild hair.
"Yeah. I got plenty of sleep. I've never slept bet..." He was cut off by another yawn escaping his lips. You shook your head.
"Well, that's the end of any all night rendezvous spent up here. Now, let's get you to the infirmary so Madam Pomfrey can tend to these wounds. I'd prefer to get you all stitched up before I deposit Weasley and Higgs down there later." He smirked.
"I'll be all right. It's just a few bruises and maybe a broken rib, nothing too serious." You sighed, rolling your eyes.
"Don't be so stubborn, baby! You won't get better if you don't get help. A broken rib isn't going to heal itself. Please go see Madam Pomfrey. Please."
"I don't need to go to the infirmary to get better. You can do all the work right here. Kiss me and make me feel better?" You exhaled as another exasperated sigh slipped past your lips. Despite your better judgement, you grabbed his tie, pulling him closer. You kissed his lips lightly, then let them move to his cheeks, then his nose, then the corner of his eyes, then his forehead and back to his lips. He sighed, a smile coating his features.
"Mmm. I feel better already. You've cured me. Going down to the hospital wing is completely pointless when my girl can heal me better than the nurse." You rolled your eyes in annoyance. His endless charm could get on your nerves. But not often.
"All right. I'm glad you're feeling better but I still want you to go down to the infirmary. Just to be safe. Promise me you'll go?" He sighed, clearly defeated.
"Fine. I promise. Just because you want me to. Anything for you. But I guarantee I'm perfectly fine. You healed me." You raised an eyebrow but nodded, kissing him again.
"Whatever you say, Ced. Whatever you say. I'll see you later. Class is going to start soon. I love you. Be safe. And don't get into any more fights." You called over your shoulder as you disappeared down the stairs. You couldn't wait to get your hands on your friends.

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