Will You Be My Date To The Ball?

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"There you are! I feel like you've been avoiding me since we found out about the ball! Have you found perfect dress yet? But I know that any dress will make you the only girl at that dance worth looking at!" Cedric sighed as he wrapped his arms around you. You sighed angrily and pushed him away.
"No! I didn't! Because I'm not going to the ball!" You growled as you stood up and walked away from him. Cedric blinked and stumbled back in surprise.
"W-What?! W-What do you mean you're not going to the ball?!" Cedric asked in complete disbelief.
"Why should I go, if you're not going?" You asked as you braced yourself against the railing of the astronomy tower.
"What are you talking about? Of course I'm going!" Cedric replied as he leaned on the railing next to you and sighed.
"B-But...I...I don't understand! H-How can you be going t-to the ball without...without...um...without...a date?" You asked quietly as you stared at your boyfriend. Cedric averted his eyes.
"I...I...Um...I...Um...I...I do have a date..." Cedric whispered as he put his head in his hands and did his best to avert his gaze. You smiled shyly and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. He looked over at you, from between his fingers, clearly surprised.
"Aw! Ced! That's so sweet! I love that you already assumed we were going to go together but I still would've rather you asked me!" You replied as you laid your head on your his back, between his shoulder blades. He sighed and pulled.
"Baby...I...Um...We're not going together...I..." Cedric began before you cut him off with a glare that could kill.
"What the hell are you talking about? You said you had a date! Oh My God! Did you ask another girl?! Oh My God! I'm your frickin' girlfriend, Cedric!?
"I'm so sorry (Y/N)! But...I...I...Um...I already asked Cho to go with me..." Cedric stuttered out fearfully as you backed away in horror. You shook your head.
"Please tell me that you're lying! How could you betray me like this?" You shouted as you stared at Cedric in terror.
"I'm so sorry (Y/N)! I swear that it'll all make sense by the time the ball is over! By the time it's all over everything will make sense. Just trust me baby-"
"Don't baby me! I'm supposed to me your girlfrined! But you've obvioulsy made your choice and if you want to date that bitch, be my guest! Fine! We're done! It's over! We're breaking up for the last time! And don't expect me back tonight!"
Cedric opened his mouth to protest but you ran down the steps of the astronomy tower, tears streaming down your face. You were in such a rush to get as far away from Cedric as fast as possible that you ran right into Professor Snape.
"Ms. Middlebrook! Where are you headed in such a rush? And why are you crying? Would you like me to find Mr. Diggory for you?" Professor Snape asked, his voice full of concern as he set a cold hand on your shoulder. You shook your head.
"No, Sir! Cedric and I just broke up! But I was wondering if I could use your classroom to work on a potion?" You cried as you continued to sob. Professor Snape bit his lip but nodded.
"I'm so sorry to hear that! I thought that you two were perfect for each other! And you may of course use my classroom for your potion! But I have Mr. Davies coming in soon to conduct an expiriment if that's alright," Snape replied as you nodded.

-Time Skip-

You finished stirring the Draught of Living Death and set down the spoon, sighing in utter discomfort and pain. How could he have betrayed you like that?
"What's got you so down in the dumps, princess?" A voice asked as someone slid onto the bench beside you and slung an arm around your shoulder. You looked over and saw Hunter's bright blue eyes peering back at you. You smiled at him weakly.
"I just broke up with Cedric!" You cried as you buried your head into the crook of Hunter's arm as you sobbed. Hunter's mouth opened and closed but no words came out. He stroked your hair gently as he hushed you quietly and wiped your tears.
"I'm so sorry to hear that! What happened? And what the hell are you brewing?" Hunter asked as he peered into your cauldron. You sighed.
"He asked Cho Chang to go to the ball with him! She's had a crush on him for the longest time but I don't understand why he'd ask her! I'm his girlfrined but on top of that, he hates her! Ever since she threatened to kill me if I didn't stay away from him! But he made is choice months ago! And he chose me! But now he'd rather be with that bitch! How could he do this? I'm just so angry! I hope I never see him again! As for the potion, it's Draught of Living Death!" You growled as you glared into the cauldron angrily.
"What the hell is wrong with that asshole?! I wouldn't have let you go, even if my frickin' life depended on it! And why the hell are you brewing Draugh of Living Death?! Trying to kill someone are we? Oh My God! You're not planning on poisoning Pretty-Boy! I know break ups can leave you bitter and everything but I don't think even you'd be that extreme!" Hunter replied in utter disbelief as you threw your head back in laughter. You smiled and shook your head.
"No! Of course not! I can be a bit extreme at times but I'd never kill anyone! It's to help Professor McGonagall with a project but if some of this potion happens to make it's way into Chang's morning pumpkin juice, don't snitch!" You teased.
"Don't worry! I won't! But I have to ask you, do you remember the first time we met? That day back in Diagon Alley?" Hunter asked quietly as you smirked.
"Believe it or not I do rememeber that Considering that it wasn't but a few monts ago," You replied as you scooped the black, soupy potion into a vial.
"And do you remember the last thing I said to you?" Hunter asked as he capped a few of your ingrediants gently and stacked them back on the shelf.
"Oh God! Don't play games with me, Hunter! I don't have that sharp of a memory!" You exclaimed as Hunter smirked.
"I told you that if you were ever in need of a new boyfriend, to hit me up! And I know that you really loved Diggory! But I'd hope that you'd be willing to accompany me to the ball! Don't give Pretty-Boy the satisfaction of getting you all down in the dumps! Don't let him ruin what's supposed to be one of the best nights of our lives! So what do you say? Will you be my date to the ball?"
You looked at him in utter dismay as you bit your lip and thought about his offer. You couldn't help but smile after you had come to a decision.
"You're right! I really did love, Ced! And I'm pretty sure I still do! But what he did to me was one of the worst things he could've possibly done! And I shouldn't let him ruin my evening! You know what Hunter? I'd love to accompany you to the ball!"

Keep Your Promises (Cedric Diggory x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant