Cedric! Baby! Please Calm Down!

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               "I'm going (Y/N)! Fred and George already promised me they'd be there! Adrian and Terence will be there! I told them to set this up! And I'm going! You can't stop me! No one touches my girl and gets away with it! Your the love of my life and he's going to pay for what he did!" Cedric insisted as he started towards the stairs, a determined look set in his eyes. You winced as you held him back, pleading him not to leave.
               "Cedric! Baby! Please calm down! Let's just stay here and cuddle! We can even make out if you'd like! But I'm begging you, please don't do this! Come on! Let's go to bed! You don't need to beat him to death! Come on! Ced! Please calm down!" You begged as you gripped his hand tightly.
               "Let me go, my angel! I would love to stay here with you and make out! I'd love to stay here and make sure you sleep soundly! But this has to be done!" Cedric insited as he freed himself from your grip. You sighed and ran after him.
               "Fine! If you're going to be stubborn, then I'm coming with you!" You annonced as you hurried down the stairs after him. He whirled around, staring at you in disbelief, his eyes set in a cold stare.
               "No! You're not! I want you to stay here! Where you're safe!" He replied, looking utterly exhausted. You shook your head.
               "Absolutely not! I'm apart of this! And you're my baby! I'm coming with you wether you like it or not! Now let's go get this over with so we can go to bed!" Cedric sighed but intertwined your fingers and began walking again.
               You turned down a dark corridor and stopped in front of a large door. No doubt an empty classroom. Cedric turned towards you, his eyes deep with worry. You reached up and gently cradled his cheek. "I really wish you hadn't come with me! It could get messy and I don't want you to get hurt or thrown in the middle of this!" Cedric sighed.
               "Well I'm here! Just don't do anything stupid! Just go yell at him or whatever! But don't kill him! Please Ced, don't do anything you're going to regret! I love you but you can do some pretty stupid things," You replied as you kissed him softly.
               He nodded and pushed open the door, where you were met by eight unsmiling faces. As soon as he saw you, Adrian rushed forward scowling as he wrapped you in a protective embrace. "Why did you bring her, Diggory!"
               "It's not like I wanted to! You know I'd never put her in danger! But she insited on coming with me! I told her to wait in bed and I'd be back but she said that if I went she too!" Your boyfriend replied, making Adrian shake his head.
               All of the sudden Potter stepped forward making you tense and Cedirc growl. He looked from you to Cedric, then down at your intertwined hands. Cedric's grip tightened as he balled his other hand into a fist. "You two are dating?"
               "You better believe we are! And don't think I didn't see what you did to my girl! Now I'm going to make you regret ever touching her in the first place," Cedric growled, stepping forward, his fingers springing apart. Adrian, Matt, and Terence nodded as they backed him up.
               Oliver Wood stepped forward, with the Weasley twins, and Ronald behind him. His face twisted into a look of pure anger. "You're not touching our Seeker!"
               "The hell he isn't! Your Seeker kissed his girlfriend! We could easily report that to her father and trust me that wouldn't end well for you!" Terence snarled. You stumbled back. You knew it was just a threat but involivng your father in anything was never a good idea.
               "We love (Y/N/N)! But Diggory needs to take it easy! It was just a kiss! And besides Potter didn't know! You're trying to keep your reltationship a secret! (Y/N)'s a pretty girl! She's going to get a lot of attention and if it isn't known to other's that she's got a boyfriend, she's fair game!" George exclaimed. You could practically feel Cedric's anger from across the room.
               It all happened so much faster than you expected. Cedric's fist collided with Potter's jaw as Oliver moved to tackle him to the ground. You gasped as Ced fell to the ground a groan escaping his lips. You rushed toward him, but Terence caught you, before you could jump into the fight. Fred and George tried to pull Oliver off of your boyfriend as Wood began punching him in the face over and over again. Cedric eventually bucked Oliver off of him and rushed toward Harry and Ronald. Cedric grapped Harry by the shirt, pulling him a foot off the ground.
               "Don't you ever touch my baby girl again! If I ever see you near her again, I will make you regret it for the rest of your life! You have no right to touch her!" Cedric growled as he pucnched Harry hard in the face. Harry fell limp in Cedric's arms. Unconsious. Oliver snarled and broke free from Fred and George's grasp.
               In an instant Oliver was on top of your boyfriend. Again. He seethed with anger as he continued to bash Cedric's head into the floor. You screamed as you saw the blood triclkling down his face. You yanked yourself out of Terence's hold and pushed Wood off your baby. You kicked him in the rips making him groan. Adrian and Terence pulled Cedric out of the way as your brought your foot down on Oliver's shin, hearing a crack as he screamed in pain.
               "You're all immature gits! This was never supposed to happen! Look what's happened! Potter's unconisous! But you deserved what you got!" You spat out pointing to Oliver. He looked up at you terrified. "You almost killed him! Hell if you've done anything that'll cause my Cedric any long time damage I swear you'll have more to deal with than a broken ankle," You growled as you rushed back to your boyfriend. This would be a lot to explain to Madam Pomfrey.

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